Health Press Release – Newsletter for March 24, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
New Foundation Inspired by Personal Experience
LONDON and NEW YORK and SYDNEY, March 23, 2011 – The GDS Foundation, a charitable fund for the autistic sector that was
officially launched in the UK today, was inspired by very personal
circumstances – Spencer Green, founder and Chairman of GDS International, a
global events company, has a eight-year-old son who suffers from Asperger's,
an autism spectrum … Original article on : New Foundation Inspired by Personal Experience.
Almac to Demonstrate New Patient Management Services at the Euro DIA and Partnerships in Clinical Trials Conferences
SOUDERTON, Pennsylvania, March 23, 2011 – Almac announced today that its Clinical Technologies business unit, a
global leader in clinical trial management, will launch a suite of new
services designed to improve patient compliance and retention in clinical
trials. The new services will be demonstrated at the DIA's 23nd Annual
EuroMeeting located in Berlin, Germany, 27-28 March and …. Read the original article : here.
Finesse Launches the VirtualTransmitter Module and TruFluor Transmitter Blades for Seamless Integration of Single-Use Sensors Into Bioreactor Control
SANTA CLARA, California, March 23, 2011 – Finesse Solutions, LLC, a manufacturer of measurement and control
solutions for life science process applications, has announced the official
launch of the VirtualTransmitter core module for interfacing to TruFluor(R)
pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) single-use sensors.
TruBio(R) DV continues to be powered by a DeltaV Controller from …. Original source : Finesse Launches the VirtualTransmitter Module and TruFluor Transmitter Blades for Seamless Integration of Single-Use Sensors Into Bioreactor Control.
Nordion Announces Phase III Clinical Trial to Evaluate TheraSphere(R) in Treatment of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Trial to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of TheraSphere When Added to Standard Kinase Inhibitor Therapy
OTTAWA, CANADA, March 23, 2011 – Nordion Inc. (TSX: NDN) (NYSE: NDZ), a leading provider of products and
services to the global health science market, today announced that it has
received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to conduct a Phase
III …. Source article : Nordion Announces Phase III Clinical Trial to Evaluate TheraSphere(R) in Treatment of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Nordion Announces Phase III Clinical Trial to Evaluate TheraSphere(R) for Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer Patients
OTTAWA, Canada, March 23, 2011 – Nordion Inc. (TSX: NDN) (NYSE: NDZ), a leading provider of products and
services to the global health science market, today announced that it has
received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to conduct a Phase
III clinical trial for TheraSphere(R) under an Investigational Device
Exemption (IDE) to evaluate the safety and …. Read the original article : Nordion Announces Phase III Clinical Trial to Evaluate TheraSphere(R) for Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer Patients.
Ansell Medical Solutions Announces Price Increases for all NRL Surgical and Examination Gloves
BRUSSELS, March 23, 2011 – Following a continued increase of raw materials costs, Ansell Medical
Solutions Europe, the regional branch of the world leader in hand protective
solutions for healthcare professionals, has announced substantial price
increases for its entire range of NRL medical gloves.
Increasing global market demand and adverse weather conditions in
rubber-producing countries … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Ansell Medical Solutions Announces Price Increases for all NRL Surgical and Examination Gloves.
Boston Scientific Announces First Implantations of OMEGA(TM) Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System in the UK
Third-Generation Bare-Metal Stent Implanted in the UK
HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, England, March 23, 2011 – Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) today announced the
first implant in the UK of the OMEGA(TM) Platinum Chromium Bare-Metal
Coronary Stent System which recently received CE Mark approval. The first
implant was performed by Dr Neal Uren, Consultant Cardiologist, Royal
Infirmary of Edinburgh.
MarketsandMarkets: Worldwide Dermatology Devices Market Worth US$7 Billion by 2015
DALLAS, March 23, 2011 – The "Medical Devices" practice at MarketsandMarkets is pleased to
announce its "Analyst Briefing Presentation" on the "Worldwide Dermatology
Devices Market"
to be held on May 03, 2011.
Browse 47 market data tables and in-depth TOC on Worldwide Dermatology
Devices Market. Early buyers will receive 10% customization on reports
…. Read the original article : here.
Avesthagen Launches Commercial Whole Genome Scanning
Bringing Personalized Genomics to your Doorstep
BANGALORE, India, March 23, 2011 – Avesthagen Limited achieves another milestone as it announces the launch
of its commercial Whole Genome Scanning (WGS) service in India.
The human genome contains all of the biological information needed to
build and maintain an organism. DNA is essentially made of four … Read more : Avesthagen Launches Commercial Whole Genome Scanning.
Colorcon Reaffirms World-Wide Patent Positions for Enteric Coating Compositions
HARLEYSVILLE, Pennsylvania, March 23, 2011 – Colorcon, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of BPSI Holdings Inc., today
announced specific details on its world-wide patent positions for enteric
coating compositions in response to misleading statements made in the
international press, particularly in India. These communications have
inaccurately summarized the status of certain patents and patent
applications. Colorcon has more than … Read : Colorcon Reaffirms World-Wide Patent Positions for Enteric Coating Compositions.
Canbex Therapeutics Receives GBP1.75 Million Translation Award From the Wellcome Trust
LONDON, March 23, 2011 – Canbex Therapeutics Ltd. (Canbex) announced today that it has received a
Translation Award of up to 1.75 million ($2.8 million) from the Wellcome
Trust to support development of a drug for the treatment of the debilitating
muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis and potentially other
The award will facilitate …. Source : Gaea News Network.
Siemens plc Response to 2011 Budget
CAMBERLEY, England, March 23, 2011 – Andreas J Goss, Chief Executive, Siemens plc, said:
"Siemens is very pleased that the Chancellor has announced an additional
GBP2bn of capital funding (to a maximum of GBP3bn) for the Green Investment
Bank and accelerated its implementation to 2012. This should put the Bank on
a secure footing, …. Original article : Siemens plc Response to 2011 Budget.