Health (General) – Newsletter for February 12, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Marijuana use could lead to sexual dysfunction in men
WASHINGTON – A new study on the effects of marijuana on sexual health has suggested that men could be courting sexual dysfunction from smoking it.
Study researcher Rany Shamloul, a physician with appointments at the University of Ottawa and Queen’s University in … Original source on Gaea Times at : Marijuana use could lead to sexual dysfunction in men.
‘Leftover’ Chinese singles are in the grip of depression
NEW DELHI – China’s first mental health survey has revealed that more than 70 percent of urban Chinese singles getting nearer to their “expiry date” for marriage are in the grip of depression.
These “leftover” men and women, as they are called in … Read this article on Gaea Times at : ‘Leftover’ Chinese singles are in the grip of depression.
Haryana to recruit 400 doctors
CHANDIGARH – The Haryana government has begun the process to recruit 400 doctors for its hospitals.
Besides, all vacant posts of doctors and medical staff will be filled in the coming months.
“For speedy recruitment, the process has been brought out of the purview of the Haryana Public Service Commission and a special committee has …. Source article : Haryana to recruit 400 doctors.
Young music fans with ‘iPod-itis’ at greater risk of going deaf
LONDON – Youngsters who are ‘emotionally attached’ to playing their music at full blast on their music players are in for a rude shock.
A doctor has revealed that a whole generation of music fans are suffering from ‘iPod-itis’ – ringing in the ears – from playing music too …. Source article : Young music fans with ‘iPod-itis’ at greater risk of going deaf.
3-yr-old NY boy living despite a ‘vanishing brain’!
WASHINGTON – A 3-year-old boy from New York has surprised doctors as he is living on an apparently ‘disappearing brain.’
His brain is missing a cerebellum – the part of the brain responsible for motor control, balance, coordination [..] Read the original article: here.
When it took 15 people to shift man to hospital
LONDON – At least 15 muscular firemen and ambulance staff had a tough time shifting a man from his house to a nearby hospital in Britain, as he weighed 190 kg.
Paramedics were called to the home of Alexander Sutherland-Jones, 38, when he became ill with a viral infection. But they were unable to … Read more : When it took 15 people to shift man to hospital.
Delhi doctors remove 7 kg ovarian tumour
NEW DELHI – An ovarian tumor weighing 7 kg was successfully removed by doctors in a city hospital in a four-hour long surgery, hospital officials said Friday.
The 45-year-old woman was admitted to the Action Cancer Hospital in Paschim Vihar area of west Delhi Jan 27 following complaints of abdominal distension and the doctors … Original article on : Delhi doctors remove 7 kg ovarian tumour.
Tool predicts death probability from stroke
TORONTO – Researchers have developed a new tool that will help doctors predict death probability in patients after an ischemic stroke.
An ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked. The tool is the first to use risk factors such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer …. Source : Tool predicts death probability from stroke.
Mizoram campaigns for ’smoking free’ state
AIZAWL – In a state where more than half of the population smokes, the Mizoram government Friday intensified its efforts to make the state a “smoking-free” zone.
Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla said: “The state is slowly moving towards becoming a smoking-free state.”
According to state government records, Mizoram topped the country eight years ago …. Source article : Mizoram campaigns for ’smoking free’ state.
Divorced women do care for ex-spouses in illness
WASHINGTON – Divorced women do care for their former spouses, offering support, assistance with daily tasks and management of health needs, says a new study.
“Some women reported caregiving as a turning point in relationships with their ex-husbands,” said Teresa Cooney, study author and associate professor at the University of Missouri College of Human … Read : Divorced women do care for ex-spouses in illness.