Games Goddess – Newsletter for February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The mean cruel cold blooded tyrant Ceville ruthlessly rules the beautiful kingdom of Faeryanis. Or rather, he used to rule the beautiful kingdom of Faeryanis, until the brave people revolted against his regime and drove him out of the palace.

The kindhearted queen Gwendolyn did step up to reign over the land with a council of [...]

Phantasmat Premium Edition

A haunting trip through the darkness.

Stranded in the middle of nowhere after crashing your car, you stumble upon The Drowned Dead Hotel, a lonely structure leaning perilously close to a cliff. Below it lies a dark and cold lake that submerged a once lively town. What tragedy befell this place? The strange inhabitants of the [...]

Project Rescue – Africa

Protect Africa’s greatest exotic treasures in a wonderful wildlife experience.

Poachers and unkind conditions have led to the dwindling of the once-majestic African savannah. With your care and help however, nature can restore order and bring life back to this amazing preserve. Do you have the skills to keep the dreaded poachers away and maintain the [...]

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