Diabetes News – Newsletter for January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Taking more steps every day can keep diabetes at bay

LONDON – A new study has suggested that simply taking more steps every day not only helps ward off obesity but also reduces the risk of diabetes.

While previous studies have shown that physical activity reduces body mass index and insulin resistance – an early stage in the development of diabetes – this is the … Original source on Gaea Times at : Taking more steps every day can keep diabetes at bay.

Why drinking coffee cuts diabetes risk

WASHINGTON – Numerous studies have shown that coffee protects against type 2 diabetes. Yet no one has really understood why.

Now, researchers at UCLA have discovered a possible molecular mechanism behind coffee’s protective effect.

A protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) regulates the biological activity of the body’s sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen, which have long … Read this article on Gaea Times at : Why drinking coffee cuts diabetes risk.

Cheers! Drinking a pint of beer a day ‘is good for your health’

LONDON – Doctors have suggested that drinking up to a pint of beer a day is good for the health and can reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

They claimed that moderate consumption could even help people lose weight if combined with a healthy diet.

Doctors Ramon Estruch and Rosa Lamuela tested 1,249 …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Cheers! Drinking a pint of beer a day ‘is good for your health’.

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