Health (General) – Newsletter for November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Parkinson’s drug side effects turns IT manager into sex-crazed transvestite

LONDON – A former IT manager has revealed how he became a sex-crazed transvestite and spent thousands due to side-effects from Parkinson’s disease medication.

Peter Shepherd, 60, was prescribed the drug Cabergoline by his GP in 2001 and it had such a devastating impact on him that he blew 400,000 pounds on a luxury lifestyle and … Read more >>>.

WikiLeaks reveals Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has terminal cancer

WASHINGTON – US diplomatic cables released by the whistleblower website ‘WikiLeaks’ include remarks of an Iranian informant telling American officials in 2009 that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei had terminal cancer and could die within months.

Ayatollah Khamenei, the chief religious leader of Iran, who holds the final word in state affairs is a hardliner …. Original source  : WikiLeaks reveals Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has terminal cancer.

Paracetamol doubles risk of asthma in kids

LONDON – Babies given Calpol or other forms of paracetamol are twice as likely to develop asthma.

Those fed the medicines in the first 15 months of their life are also at much higher risk of allergies when they are older.
Researchers attribute the surge in childhood asthma over the last 50 years to increasing … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Paracetamol doubles risk of asthma in kids.

Haiti cholera toll rises to 1,721

Port-au-Prince, Nov 30 (IANS/EFE) The number of deaths from the cholera epidemic afflicting Haiti since mid-October has risen to 1,721, health officials said.

In all, 75,888 people have been attended for the disease, of whom 33,485 were hospitalised, though 32,283 of them recovered and were sent home.
Cholera, which was eradicated in the impoverished Caribbean …. Source  : Haiti cholera toll rises to 1,721.

Top 10 Health News Last week (22nd – 28th Nov 2010)

A healthy body paves the way to a healthy mind. In this busy life are you aware of the latest health news that is happening around you. Take a step back and relax for a few minutes because we are here to provide you the latest health updates for a week that can keep … Read : Top 10 Health News Last week (22nd – 28th Nov 2010).

Gujarat to check kids – and treat them

GANDHINAGAR – More than 300,000 officials, including 5,528 doctors, will medically check over 1.52 crore children across Gujarat from Dec 3 to Feb 15, 2011, it was announced Monday.

Health Minister Jaynarayan Vyas said the special drive had been taken up at the behest of Chief Minister Narendra Modi with the twin objectives of ensuring …. Source article on Gaea Times at  : Gujarat to check kids — and treat them.

Delhi to launch AIDS awareness campaign in slum areas Dec 1

NEW DELHI – Delhi Health Minister Kiran Walia Monday said an awareness campaign about AIDS will be launched in the capital’s slum areas from Dec 1.

Elaborating on the plans by the Delhi government to mark World AIDS Day, Walia said a Red Ribbon Marathon will be organised besides plays.
“An integrated campaign ‘Delhi …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

India-Sweden to strengthen ties in healthcare

NEW DELHI – Furthering their collaboration in the field of healthcare, India and Sweden Monday decided to focus on areas like maternal and child health, and alcohol abuse, among others.

Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad met Sweden’s State Secretary of Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Karin Johansson and discussed the collaboration between the two …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : India-Sweden to strengthen ties in healthcare.

Walking slows Alzheimer’s progress

LONDON – Walking five miles or about eight kilometres a week may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Walking slowed the decline in memory skills in people showing early signs of the disease and reduced brain shrinkage, symptomatic of Alzheimer’s.
The team at University of Pittsburg in Pennsylvania, US, tracked for 10 … Read more >>>.

Binge-drinking creating class of aggressive women

LONDON – The number of teenage girls who are physically aggressive and lash out at school and at home has risen at an alarming rate in Britain, with more and more girls going in for binge drinking, and emulating male behaviour, experts said.

The disturbing trend has been noted by the British Association of …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

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