Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Science News – Newsletter for August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Space station astronauts take 2nd crack at urgent repairs, aim to remove broken coolant pump

Space station astronauts take 2nd crack at repairs

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Space station astronauts are gearing up for their second spacewalk in five days and they hope to have better luck with the urgent repair job this time.
The International Space Station has been operating with only half its usual cooling capability ever since a critical …. Original source  : Space station astronauts take 2nd crack at urgent repairs, aim to remove broken coolant pump.

Now, physicians can detect heart failure by hearing heart’s sounds

WASHINGTON – Cardiologists can now diagnose heart failure just by hearing the heart’s sound, all thanks to a new technology called acoustic cardiography.

In a study, a UC emergency medicine physician has concluded that acoustic cardiography, a new technology combining a 12-leed ECG with cardiac acoustic data, can aid physicians in detecting the S3-ultimately increasing the … Read more : Now, physicians can detect heart failure by hearing heart’s sounds.

Breast cancer risk varies among different progestins used in hormone replacement therapy

WASHINGTON – On comparing four types of progestins used in hormone replacement therapies, researchers found significantly different outcomes on the progression of breast cancer in an animal model depending on the type of progestins used.

Progestins are used in hormone replacement therapies to counteract the negative effects of estrogen on the uterus and reduce the … Read this article on Gaea Times at : Breast cancer risk varies among different progestins used in hormone replacement therapy.

Personality types in male and female domestic violence perpetrators are similar

WASHINGTON – There exist stark similarities between personalities of male and females who indulge in domestic violence, found a new study.

The new study provides a better picture of the roles played by gender, personality and mental illness in domestic violence.

“Intimate partner violence is a major public health concern. Examining subtypes of perpetrators is … Original article on : Personality types in male and female domestic violence perpetrators are similar.

Proteins linked with Alzheimer’s clump in normal aging

WASHINGTON – Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, have found that many of the proteins present as minor components of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases actually clump together as a normal part of aging in healthy individuals.

The discovery, in the C. elegans roundworm, refutes a widespread belief that the presence of insoluble … Read more »»».

Receptiveness more important than routine for infant sleep

WASHINGTON – Being emotionally receptive can reduce sleep disruptions and help infants and toddlers sleep better, found researchers at Penn State.

“Bed time can be a very emotional time. It heralds the longest separation of the day for most infants. It struck me that going to sleep, and sleeping well, is much easier for some … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Receptiveness more important than routine for infant sleep.

Soon, drugs that could treat cocaine addiction

WASHINGTON – Scientists are exploring pharmacological strategies to treat cocaine abuse in animals.

The study may have implications for treating cocaine dependence in humans.

Glutamate, a brain neurotransmitter, has been implicated in drug addiction and is associated with learning and memory.

The receptors that regulate its transmission are considered to be promising targets for drug discovery, with … Original source on Gaea Times at : Soon, drugs that could treat cocaine addiction.

70pc US students don’t understand the equal sign in math: Study

WASHINGTON – 70 percent students in the US misunderstand the equal sign in mathematics, reveals a new research.

Texas A and M University researchers said that understanding the “equal sign” in a math problem could be a key to why U.S. students under perform as compared to their peers from other countries in math.

However, Robert M. … Read more >>.

NASA scientists discover fresh crater on Moon’s surface

WASHINGTON – NASA has discovered a fresh crater on the Moon’s surface.

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) is a spacecraft that is taking large amounts of data on the Moon’s terrain and mineralogy, as well as taking pictures of the Apollo landers and astronaut footsteps.

According to Discovery News, the crater is ten meters across, suggesting that … Read more »».

Now, a 15-minute brain scan to reveal autism in adults with 90% accuracy

WASHINGTON – Now, a quick brain scan can identify adults with autism with over 90 per cent accuracy, says a new study.

Scientists from the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) at King’s College London said that the method could lead to the screening for autism spectrum disorders in children in the future.

“It could help to alleviate the … Original article on : Now, a 15-minute brain scan to reveal autism in adults with 90% accuracy.

Like humans, Orang-utans too can perform “pantomimes”

LONDON – Orang-utans have been caught on camera performing “pantomimes”, behaviours that are exclusive to humans.

Non-human great apes such as orang-utans and chimpanzees were already known to display meaningful gestures. But that is a far cry from displaying actions that are intentionally symbolic and referential – the behaviour known as pantomiming.

“Pantomime is considered uniquely human,” … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Like humans, Orang-utans too can perform “pantomimes”.

Human brain on a microchip nearly ready

TORONTO – The human brain on a microchip is almost ready!
Turning into reality science fiction of films such as “The Terminator” – where machines and men meld into reality – Canadian scientists have successfully connected brain cells to a silicon chip to “hear” conversation between brain tissue.

The neuro-chip, which has been developed by medicine …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Human brain on a microchip nearly ready.

iPhone allows gays to find one another

AUCKLAND – An application on the iPhone, a multimedia smartphone designed by Apple Inc, uses global positioning system (GPS) technology to track down gay people and help them meet one another.

The iPhone application – Grindr – uses the iPhone’s GPS system to let its users see a list of other gay men in the vicinity, … Original article on : iPhone allows gays to find one another.

Chemical system in brain that behaves differently in cocaine addicts identified

WASHINGTON – Scientists have identified a chemical system in the brain that reacts differently in cocaine addicts.

According to researchers, the findings that could result in new treatment options for individuals addicted to the drug.

“We found that the amount of blood flow in areas of the brain known to be involved in the rewarding effects of …. Original article  : Chemical system in brain that behaves differently in cocaine addicts identified.

Caring for pets shaped human evolution: Study

WASHINGTON – Dogs, cats, cows and other domesticated animals may have been vital to human evolution, a new theory suggests.

The uniquely human habit of taking in and employing animals-even competitors like wolves-spurred on human tool-making and language, which have both driven humanity’s success, paleoanthropologist Pat Shipman of Penn State University.says.

“Wherever you go in the … Read more : Caring for pets shaped human evolution: Study.

Brain fitness programs may help weak elderly walk faster

WASHINGTON – A study led by researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University has found preliminary evidence that brain fitness programs may help frail elderly walk faster, potentially preventing disability and improving quality of life.

The researchers recruited 20 frail seniors (aged 70 or older) who were sedentary (exercised once a week …. Source  : Brain fitness programs may help weak elderly walk faster.

NOAA approves reform of West Coast fish harvest, new program to lessen overfishing

NOAA approves reform of West Coast fish harvest

SEATTLE – NOAA’s Fisheries Service on Tuesday approved a new approach to managing the harvest of certain West Coast fish that it says will lessen competition among fishermen and reduce overfishing.
NOAA officials said the new catch-shares system – expected to take effect early next year – allows fisherman … Read more : NOAA approves reform of West Coast fish harvest, new program to lessen overfishing.

Federal appeals court clears way for wild horse roundup along Nevada-California border

Court clears way for horse roundup on CA-NV border

RENO, Nev. – A federal appeals court on Tuesday cleared the way for the roundup of more than 2,000 wild horses in California and Nevada, rejecting critics’ claims that the free-roaming mustangs have a legal right to remain on the range.
In an after-hours order, the 9th Circuit … Original article on : Federal appeals court clears way for wild horse roundup along Nevada-California border.

Gov. Ritter, energy companies announce plans to reduce impact of drilling on Colo. wildlife

Ritter, energy companies announce wildlife plans

DENVER – Gov. Bill Ritter and energy companies announced agreements Tuesday that are intended to minimize the impacts of oil and gas drilling on 355,000 acres of key wildlife habitat in western Colorado.
The deals between the state and nine companies, including ExxonMobil and EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), will cover [..] Read the original article: here.

Feds say postponing wild-horse roundup in Calif., Nevada will do more harm than good

Feds: Postponing CA-NV roundup will harm mustangs

RENO, Nev. – Mounting their most vigorous defense for rounding up wild horses in the West, lawyers for the Obama administration argued Tuesday that leaving the overpopulated herds on public rangeland would do the mustangs more harm than good.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ignacia Moreno said in a court filing that …. Original source  : Feds say postponing wild-horse roundup in Calif., Nevada will do more harm than good.

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