Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Education News – Newsletter for August 3, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

When kids go off to college, the family’s annual summer vacation will never be the same

College-bound kid means change in family vacations

NEW YORK – My eldest son, who’s heading off to college in the fall, recently informed me that he plans to spend just a few days with us this year on our annual summer vacation.
“But it’s our last vacation ever as a family!” I pouted.
He reminded me that I’ve … Read this article on Gaea Times at : When kids go off to college, the family’s annual summer vacation will never be the same.

Iffy Senate outlook for aid package to state governments, local school systems

Iffy Senate outlook for state aid package
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama’s Senate allies are taking one last run at advancing what’s left of his tattered jobs agenda.
The $26 billion spending measure would help states and local school boards with their budget problems, but its fate is unclear in advance of …. Source  : Iffy Senate outlook for aid package to state governments, local school systems.

We’re No. 1! University of Georgia tops infamous party schools ranking

We’re No. 1! UGA tops party schools ranking

ATLANTA – The University of Georgia won a national title this year – top party school.
The Princeton Review announced Monday that Georgia is the No. 1 party school on its now infamous annual ranking. The school of about 30,000 students has been on the list 10 times since …. Original source  : We’re No. 1! University of Georgia tops infamous party schools ranking.

Anganwadi buildings only in northeast: Tirath

NEW DELHI – There are no plans for constructing buildings for anganwadi centers in regions other than the northeast, Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath said Monday.

“There is no provision for construction of anganwadi buildings except in the northeast States. In areas where public buildings are not available, there is a provision under … Original article on : Anganwadi buildings only in northeast: Tirath.

350,000 foreigners enter Britain on ’student’ visas

LONDON – Nearly 350,000 foreigners entered Britain on suspect student visas last year despite new rules to curb the number of illegal immigrants, officials said Monday.

Home Office figures reveal the total of visiting “students” and their dependents rocketed to 344,396 in the 12 months to April. That was a whopping 84,321 more than the previous …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Welsh varsity remembers man who served in colonial India

LONDON – A Welsh university is celebrating the 250th birth anniversary of surgeon and educationist Thomas Phillips who served the better part of his life in colonial India as an employee of the East India Company in Kolkata.

The University of Wales in Lampeter, north-west of the Welsh capital of Cardiff, organised an exhibition of …. Read the original article  : Welsh varsity remembers man who served in colonial India.

Last Carnegie Hall tenant forced from studios that nourished a century of America’s top talent

Last Carnegie Hall resident forced out of towers

NEW YORK – All of her neighbors are gone, forced out. Now Elizabeth Sargent, the last holdout tenant of Carnegie Hall’s towers, is preparing to leave the affordable studios that for more than a century housed some of America’s most brilliant creative artists.
Red scaffolding surrounds Carnegie Hall as … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Last Carnegie Hall tenant forced from studios that nourished a century of America’s top talent.

Hair nets and hollandaise? Lunch ladies going gourmet as nation focuses on better school food

Lunch ladies going gourmet as food gets new look

DENVER – They still wear sensible shoes, but the nation’s lunch ladies are trading in their hair nets for chef toques as they undergo a gourmet makeover.
With the childhood obesity rates creating demand for healthier foods in schools, more attention is being placed on the culinary skills …. Original article  : Hair nets and hollandaise? Lunch ladies going gourmet as nation focuses on better school food.

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