Science News – Newsletter for May 19, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Cloned fighting bull born in Spain
Valladolid (Spain), May 19 (IANS/EFE) A cloned fighting bull was born in Spain’s central province of Palencia.
The birth took place in the early hours Tuesday on a ranch near the town of Fromista, said sources close to the research team.
The scientific landmark was made possible by a project led by the director of the …. Read the original article : here.
Now, a tool to help fit prosthetic limbs painlessly
WASHINGTON – A biomedical engineer has developed a new tool to help prosthetic developers fit artificial limbs almost painlessly.
One of its versions also tells medical workers when bed-ridden patients need to be moved to avoid bedsores and other problems.
Amit Gefen, professor at the Tel Aviv University’s (TAU) department of biomedical engineering, has developed … Original source on Gaea Times at : Now, a tool to help fit prosthetic limbs painlessly.
Oldest known Central American pyramid tomb holds royal burials, jewels
WASHINGTON – Archaeologists have discovered the oldest known Mesoamerican pyramid tomb, around 2,700 years old, in Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico.
The discovery may help settle a debate as to when and how the mysterious Zoque civilization arose, according to excavation leader Bruce Bachand, an archaeologist at Brigham Young University.
“We are trying to distill from the …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Oldest known Central American pyramid tomb holds royal burials, jewels.
Fathers experience prenatal, postpartum depression too
WASHINGTON – A an analysis of previous research has revealed that about 10 percent of fathers experience prenatal or postpartum depression, with rates being highest in the 3 to 6 month postpartum period.
Maternal prenatal and postpartum depression is a well accepted phenomena, but the prevalence, risk factors and effects of depression among new fathers is … Read more >>.
‘Binge listening’ in clubs causes hearing loss
SYDNEY – Forget about binge drinking, it is ‘binge listening’ that’s harming the youngsters who go clubbing.
Youngsters in Australians are apparently showing early signs of hearing loss due to night outs at pubs and clubs, where they get exposed to three weeks’ worth of noise in one night.
In a new survey, Harvey Dillon, the director …. Source article on Gaea Times at : ‘Binge listening’ in clubs causes hearing loss.
Addiction to tanning can be extremely dangerous
WASHINGTON – Tanorexia, or an addiction to tanning, can be harmful, according to experts.
Dermatologists at Loyola University Health System claim tanning addictions, among young, white females, are a legitimate health problem.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 20 percent of 18 – 29 year-olds use indoor tanning … Read more >>.
Ancestor of all hammerhead sharks appeared about 20 million years ago
WASHINGTON – The ancestor of all hammerhead sharks probably appeared abruptly in Earth’s oceans about 20 million years ago and was as big as some contemporary hammerheads, according to a new study led by the University of Colorado at Boulder.
But once the hammerhead evolved, it underwent divergent evolution in different directions, with some species becoming … Original source on Gaea Times at : Ancestor of all hammerhead sharks appeared about 20 million years ago.
The 10 most viewed YouTube videos
MELBOURNE – Video sharing website YouTube has released the list of its 10 most viewed videos.
The site marked its fifth birthday by announcing that viewers now watch more than two billion videos a day from the video-sharing site.
“That’s nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major US television networks combined,” quoted a YouTube …. Original article on Gaea Times at : The 10 most viewed YouTube videos.
Animals can be gay: Study
LONDON – New research suggests that animals can be gau too, defying Darwin’s theory that the sexual impulses of animals are designed to cause reproduction and are therefore necessarily heterosexual.
The research, conducted on an albatross colony in the University of Hawaii, showed that one third of the ‘pairs’ who commit to each other for life …. Original source : Animals can be gay: Study.
Warning for Facebook users: ‘Sexiest video’ message contains malware
LONDON – Facebook users are being warned not to click on a message that promises to deliver the ’sexiest video ever’, as when opened it leads to the download of a programme that fills the computer with junk.
The video link appears in newsfeed together with a picture of a pneumatic model or a woman on … Read more : Warning for Facebook users: ‘Sexiest video’ message contains malware.
Social network history can reveal your identity
LONDON – When you enrol yourself as a member on a social networking site, may be revealing more than you bargained for, an experimental website has proved.
The website has managed to identify the names of people who visit it, by harvesting information about the groups they belong to.
And the trick could act as the … Read more »»».
How deep is the ocean?
WASHINGTON – For the romantics, love is as deep as the ocean. And now, researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have actually tried to quantify the age-old query- How deep is the ocean?
They’re also tackling an even more intriguing-if less romantic-question- What is the volume of the Earth’s oceans?
And the answer … Read : How deep is the ocean?.
Mobile phones may help partially sighted ’see’ better
WASHINGTON – Mobile phones or hand-held games consoles can be used to provide training course for partially-sighted people, helping them become more self-reliable, according to a new study.
The new research has found that a computer-based technique developed and assessed by Durham University improved partially-sighted people’s ability to ’see’ better. It may eventually improve and … Original source on Gaea Times at : Mobile phones may help partially sighted ’see’ better.
New research paves way for drugs to treat age-related memory loss
WASHINGTON – Researchers at Princeton University have shown that two methods of extending life span have very different effects on memory performance and decline with age.
While the nematode C. elegans is already well known for its utility in longevity research, previously it was not known how the memory of C. elegans compares with that of …. Source : Gaea News Network.
Study shows ‘female Viagra’ works
Washington, May 19 (ANI): A pill called Flibanserin can boost sex drive in women. It’s being called ‘female Viagra.’
A new paper from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists reports that after a 6-month treatment with the pill, women found improvement in their decreased sexual desire.
The FDA has not yet approved the drug, which … Read : Study shows ‘female Viagra’ works.
Microsoft’s Hotmail gets a makeover
London, May 19 (ANI): IT giant Microsoft has decided to give Hotmail, its free email service, a makeover, in an attempt to retain its market share over rivals Google’s Gmail and Yahoo! Mail.
The makeover goes live in either July or August of this year and will allow users to view or edit sent documents using … Original article on : Microsoft’s Hotmail gets a makeover.
Scientists discover infection-inducing mechanism in bacteria
London, May 19 (ANI): A new study has shown that bacteria have a surprising mechanism to transfer virulent genes causing infections.
The research describes an unprecedented evolutionary adaptation and could contribute to finding new ways of treating and preventing bacterial infections.
Pathogenic genes are responsible for making bacteria capable of causing diseases. These genes cause bacteria … Original article on : Scientists discover infection-inducing mechanism in bacteria.
Ice melt shows alarming land rise in Greenland
WASHINGTON – Greenland’s ice is melting so quickly that the land underneath is rising at a rapid pace, according to latest research.
Greenland is situated in the Atlantic Ocean to the northeast of Canada. It has a dense icecap up to two kilometers thick that covers much of the island.
Some coastal areas are going up …. Source article : Ice melt shows alarming land rise in Greenland.
Climate change caused mass extinction of mammals 50,000 years ago
WASHINGTON – Climate change played a major role in causing mass extinction of mammals in the late quaternary era, 50,000 years ago, an international team of scientists have discovered.
Their study takes a new approach to this hotly debated topic by using global data modelling to build continental ‘climate footprints.’
“Between 50,000 and 3,000 years before present … Original source on Gaea Times at : Climate change caused mass extinction of mammals 50,000 years ago.
Antibiotic resistance lasts up to 12 months
LONDON – Patients who take prescribed antibiotics in primary care can go on to develop a resistance lasting up to a year, according to a study.
It is known that resistance to antibiotics is a major threat to public health.
However, researchers aid that this is not seen by most clinicians or patients as a reason …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Antibiotic resistance lasts up to 12 months.