Health (General) – Newsletter for May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mothers’ oral hygiene affects child’s health
WASHINGTON – The oral health of pregnant women affects their child’s future oral health and even overall health, research shows.
“Ideally, the oral health education for any family will begin with prenatal education and the establishment of a dental home by the time the child is 12 to 18 months of age,” says Tegwyn Brickhouse, study … Read more >>>.
Aerobic exercises trump walking for health benefits
WASHINGTON – When it comes to selecting the best exercise for fitness, aerobic exercise provides better health benefits than walking, according to a new study.
In the study, University of Alberta researchers compared fitness training to a pedometer-based walking program, measuring the fitness [..] Read the original article: here.
Old age falling tied to altered blood flow in brain
WASHINGTON – Altered blood flow in the brain due to high blood pressure and other conditions may lead to falls in elderly people, a new study has shown.
The research has been published in the May 18, 2010, issue of Neurology.
“At age 60, 85 percent of people … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Old age falling tied to altered blood flow in brain.
Caffeine may slow Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Washington, May 18 (ANI): Caffeine may be protective against the cognitive decline seen in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
A special supplement to the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, “Therapeutic Opportunities for Caffeine in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases,” sheds new light on this …. Source article : Caffeine may slow Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
High-fat ketogenic diet ‘can help treat persistent childhood seizures’
Washington, May 18 (ANI): A high-fat ketogenic diet, made up of high-fat foods and few carbohydrates, can help reduce or completely eliminate debilitating seizures in most children with infantile spasms, whose seizures persist despite medication, say researchers.
The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center … Read : High-fat ketogenic diet ‘can help treat persistent childhood seizures’.
Fat Embolism: The Term Unexplained In “House”
LOS ANGELES ( What exactly is fat embolism? The term was referred to in the final episode of the popular ABC television series “House” and since then people have been very eager to know more about the term. Considering the fact that social networking site Twitter has become the most popular mode of … Original article on : Fat Embolism: The Term Unexplained In “House”.
‘Sausage not steak’ raises risk of heart disease
WASHINGTON – Eating processed meat such as sausages raises the likelihood of heart disease, while red meat does not seem to be as harmful, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) have found.
The study found that eating processed meat was associated with a 42 percent … Read more : ‘Sausage not steak’ raises risk of heart disease.
Cochlear implants ‘less beneficial’ for the elderly
WASHINGTON – Cochlear implants are less beneficial for older adults as compared to younger patients who have similar levels of hearing impairment before surgery, according to a report.
The study has been published in the May issue of Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and … Read more >>.
A handful of pistachios a day can help keep heart doc away
WASHINGTON – A diet containing nuts, including pistachios, can significantly lower total and LDL-cholesterol levels, in addition to triglycerides, according to a new study.
Published in Archives of Internal Medicine, the 600-subject, 25 clinical trial study, conducted in seven counties, is the most comprehensive … Original article on : A handful of pistachios a day can help keep heart doc away.
‘Fountain of youth’ steroids may provide protection against heart disease
WASHINGTON – Steroids sold as health supplements can switch on a natural defence mechanism against heart disease, according to University of Leeds researchers.
The University of Leeds biologists have identified a previously-unknown ion channel in human blood vessels that can limit the production of inflammatory cytokines – …. Source : ‘Fountain of youth’ steroids may provide protection against heart disease.