Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Health (General) – Newsletter for April 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Haryana to have herbal parks in each district

CHANDIGARH – In an effort to promote medicinal plants and ayurveda in Haryana, the state government has decided to set up at least two herbal parks in each district, an official said here Wednesday.

“We want to encourage people to use herbs in daily life. We would also apprise them about the utility of medicinal plants … Read : Haryana to have herbal parks in each district.

Laughter is good exercise for promoting health

WASHINGTON – Laughter is as good as exercise in promoting health and a sense of well-being, a new study says.

Lee S. Berk, preventive care specialist and researcher at Loma Linda University’s Schools of Allied Health (SAHP) and Medicine, and Stanley Tan have come up with the study.
They have been studying the human body’s … Read more »».

Hot peppers may help trim waistline

WASHINGTON – Hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin that not only adds spice to our food but can actually cause our body to heat up. Evidence suggests that the heat generating power of peppers can help shed those extra inches.

Researchers assume that plants evolved to contain capsaicin because it protected them from being …. Source article on Gaea Times at  : Hot peppers may help trim waistline.

Ciggie smoking, fructose consumption worsens liver disease

WASHINGTON – Modifiable risk factors such as cigarette smoking and fructose consumption can worsen nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), scientists have claimed.

With NAFLD, fat accumulates in … Read more >>.

Resetting biological clock may stop breast cancer in its tracks

WASHINGTON – Scientists have found that a form of the element selenium, which is found in tiny amounts in people’s diets, can help reset a cell’s biological clock after it has been thrown off by cancer-causing chemicals.

According to researchers, this discovery could lead to a way to help the body reboot cells …. Original article  : Resetting biological clock may stop breast cancer in its tracks.

Coronary artery calcium may help predict heart disease risk

WASHINGTON – A new research suggests that adding coronary artery calcium scores (CACS) to traditional risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) events significantly improves predictions of risk, and results in more individuals being placed in the highest and lowest risk categories.

Tamar S. Polonsky, from the Northwestern …. Source article  : Coronary artery calcium may help predict heart disease risk.

Low-moderate alcohol consumption does not harm women’s bone health

WASHINGTON – A new study has offered more evidence that low to moderate alcohol consumption does not harm bone health in women.

There is lack of information on low to moderate alcohol consumption and bone health, especially in women. …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Low-moderate alcohol consumption does not harm women’s bone health.

Peppers may help you get rid of love handles

WASHINGTON – Love to have your food with extra pepper? Well, other than spicing up your taste buds, it will also help you lose those extra inches around the waist.

Food scientists have said that hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin that can actually cause your body to heat …. Source article  : Peppers may help you get rid of love handles.

Computer games ‘as addictive as booze, drugs’

MELBOURNE – Computer games can be as costly and debilitating as drug and alcohol dependence.

In a study by the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, conducted online among 1945 participants, 8 per cent were identified as problem gamers.

The volunteers …. Source article  : Computer games ‘as addictive as booze, drugs’.

Five-minute screening test could cut risk of developing bowel cancer

LONDON – A five-minute screening test has been developed, which researchers say, could cut the risk of developing bowel cancer by a third.

The research led by Imperial College London has been published in the Lancet.

According to the 16-year study, funded by the Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, and Cancer Research UK, …. Read the original article  : Five-minute screening test could cut risk of developing bowel cancer.

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