Saturday, April 24, 2010

Health (General) – Newsletter for April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Improving treatment and averting heart failure in kids

WASHINGTON – Experts are finding new strategies to improve treatment of, and ultimately to rapidly identify and prevent, the congenital cardiovascular defects and the subsequent damage acquired after birth that ultimately results in heart failure.

And the new approaches were discussed at a …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Gently tapping away craving for foods, snacks

SYDNEY – Psychological acupuncture has successfully reduced food cravings for up to six months in people who are overweight or obese, according to research.

The technique combines gentle tapping on pressure points while focussing on particular emotions and thoughts.
Psychological acupuncture, also known as the emotional freedom technique (EFT), has also been used to manage …. Read the original article  : here.

Psychological acupuncture can help keep food cravings at bay

WASHINGTON – Psychological acupuncture, or the emotional freedom technique (EFT), can help reduce food cravings for up to six months in people who are overweight or obese, a new study has shown.

The technique combines gentle tapping on pressure points while focussing on particular emotions and thoughts.
Psychologist Dr … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Psychological acupuncture can help keep food cravings at bay.

70 ill after eating in restaurant near Beijing

BEIJING – At least 70 people have fallen ill after eating at a restaurant in a resort near here, police and health officials said Saturday.

The people showed symptoms of nausea and vomiting after having lunch Friday at the restaurant in Shuian Shanba, a holiday resort in the outskirts of Beijing.
Most of the sick people …. Original source  : 70 ill after eating in restaurant near Beijing.

University of San Francisco pitcher back on mound 2 months after line drive fractures skull

USF’s Hiserman back on mound after skull fracture

SAN FRANCISCO – Matt Hiserman points his finger to the spot on his cap where the baseball struck him in the head during a frightening play in mid-February. It’s just above his right ear and an inch or so behind the brim.
He’s lucky to be alive, let alone … Read this article on Gaea Times at : University of San Francisco pitcher back on mound 2 months after line drive fractures skull.

Mass. company recalls tracheostomy tubes after 3 patients’ deaths

Tracheostomy tubes recalled after 3 deaths

WASHINGTON – A Massachusetts company is recalling tracheostomy tubes used to help patients on ventilators breathe after receiving reports that three people died while using them.
The company told the Food and Drug Administration that there were also about 1,200 complaints of leaks involving the recalled devices, said FDA spokesman Tom … Read this article on Gaea Times at : Mass. company recalls tracheostomy tubes after 3 patients’ deaths.

850,000 people die every year from malaria: Unicef

NEW YORK – About 850,000 people die each year from a mosquito bite – with nearly 90 percent of all malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa, the UN Children’s Fund (Unicef) said Friday.

Ahead of World Malaria Day Sunday, Unicef Executive Director Ann Veneman said there were only 250 days left to meet the challenge set by …. Original source  : 850,000 people die every year from malaria: Unicef.

Wife: ‘Dexter’ star Michael C. Hall is ‘fully recovered’ from cancer, has returned to work

Wife: ‘Dexter’ star ‘fully recovered’ from cancer
NEW YORK – The wife of Michael C. Hall says the “Dexter” star is “fully recovered” from cancer and has returned to work.
Jennifer Carpenter said Friday that Hall was “incredibly brave” when he announced in January that he was undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Crying babies may face risk of brain damage

LONDON – According to study held by child experts, long period of crying can damage developing brains, leading to learning difficulties later in life.

“A baby who is left crying for long enough will eventually stop, but not because he has learned to go to sleep happily alone, but because he is exhausted and has despaired … Original article on : Crying babies may face risk of brain damage.

Spanish hospital claims world’s first full-face transplant, says patient pleased with results

Spanish hospital claims first full-face transplant

MADRID – A hospital in Spain says it has carried out the world’s first full-face transplant, giving a man a new nose, skin, jaws, cheekbones, teeth and other features after he lost his face in an accident. Other transplant experts lauded the surgery but were not sure it could technically …. Original article  : Spanish hospital claims world’s first full-face transplant, says patient pleased with results.

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