Legal Press Release – Weekly Newsletter for April 5-12, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Gulfside Updates Erdenetsogt Property Litigation
VANCOUVER, April 5, 2010 – Robert L. Card, President of Gulfside Minerals Ltd. ("Gulfside" or the
"Company"), reports that Gulfside has filed a writ in the Sukhbaatar District
Court in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, seeking to rescind the transfer of shares of
ECM LLC, ("ECM"), the company holding the Erdenetsogt exploration License to
Mangreat Group Ltd. ("Mangreat"), a [...]
Lagardere’s Attempts to Block Progress Halted by French Court
NEW YORK, April 7, 2010 – Franco-American Financier and Activist Guy Wyser-Pratte announced today
that the French Court had rejected Lagardere SCA's (MMB.PA) attempts to
thwart progress at the Company by requiring that his shareholder proposals be
published in the BALO for consideration at the Company's April 27th, 2010
AGM/EGM. This will allow Mr. Wyser-Pratte the right to [...]
Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Archdiocese of Newark Settles
Transcripts of Two Never-Before Deposed Bishops to be Released
NEWARK, New Jersey, April 8, 2010 – What:
A news conference to announce the settlement of a lawsuit against the
Archdiocese of Newark and the Diocese of Orlando, release evidence of the
church's gross negligence, and deposition transcripts of Newark's Archbishop,
and his former Vicar General [...]