Thursday, April 08, 2010

Odd News – Newsletter for April 8, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

San Francisco initiative to observe Meat-Free Mondays gets citywide shrug from residents

San Francisco’s Meat-Free Mondays gets a shrug

SAN FRANCISCO – Besides approving rules against using plastic grocery bags, mixing recycling with compost, and smoking in sidewalk cafes, San Francisco supervisors have passed a resolution asking residents to observe meatless Mondays.
San Francisco supervisors passed the resolution Tuesday for no-meat Mondays in their latest legislative endorsement of healthy, … Read more : San Francisco initiative to observe Meat-Free Mondays gets citywide shrug from residents.

Prosecutor: Ga. jail inmate who escaped cell for cigarettes and returned gets 20-year sentence

Ga. man who left jail for cigarettes gets 20 years

WOODBINE, Ga. – Authorities say an inmate who broke out of jail, then returned after stealing 14 packs of cigarettes, has been sentenced to 20 years.
Prosecutors told The Florida Times-Union inmate Harry Jackson, 26, escaped his cell at the Camden County Jail last year and went …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Longtime Colorado judge fired after issuing arrest warrant for teen who didn’t return DVD

Colo. judge fired over teen arrest for overdue DVD

LITTLETON, Colo. – A longtime Colorado judge has been fired after issuing an arrest warrant for a teenager over an overdue library DVD.
Municipal Judge James Kimmel issued the warrant after 19-year-old Aaron Henson failed to show up in court Jan. 14 over the overdue DVD, “House of …. Original article  : Longtime Colorado judge fired after issuing arrest warrant for teen who didn’t return DVD.

Philadelphia eagles of the feathered kind seen with nest of eaglets at urban wildlife refuge

Spotted: Philadelphia eagles of the feathered kind

PHILADELPHIA – A pair of Philadelphia eagles are causing some excitement, but it has nothing to do with football.
These bald eagles have beaten high odds and are raising two eaglets in the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, near Philadelphia International Airport. Officials say they’re the first bald …. Original source  : Philadelphia eagles of the feathered kind seen with nest of eaglets at urban wildlife refuge.

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