Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Travel News – Newsletter for March 16, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

State Department made decision to authorize Americans’ departure from Mexico before killings

Decision on Americans’ departure was before deaths

WASHINGTON – After deciding last week to help family members of U.S. consulate employees in northern Mexico leave the area, the State Department waited until Sunday to announce the move.
On Saturday three people associated with the consulate in Ciudad Juarez were gunned down.
It’s not clear that an earlier announcement … Original source on Gaea Times at : State Department made decision to authorize Americans’ departure from Mexico before killings.

Free food won’t fly for many on Continental Airlines starting this fall

Continental Airlines to charge for food
ATLANTA – Attention coach passengers. Continental Airlines, which used to boast about giving away free hamburgers and barbecue while rivals passed out tiny bags of pretzels, is changing its tune on food.

Continental plans to launch a food-for-sale program that mirrors what other carriers are already doing.
A spokesman said Monday that … Read more »».

JetBlue adds 2 more flights to Los Angeles-LAX from JFK, doubling daily flights to the airport

JetBlue adds 2 more flights to LAX from JFK

NEW YORK – JetBlue said Monday it is adding two daily flights to Los Angeles International Airport from New York’s John F. Kennedy International this summer, doubling its flights to the city.
The new flights will begin on July 1. Along with its LAX service, JetBlue offers the …. Source  : JetBlue adds 2 more flights to Los Angeles-LAX from JFK, doubling daily flights to the airport.

Driving the Americas on a trip around the world: 4 months, 13,000 miles, NY to Buenos Aires

A 13,000-mile drive south: NYC to Argentina

CHACABUCO, Argentina – It was just like driving to work, except that I kept on going: From New York to Argentina, through 12 countries, for four months and more than 13,000 miles.
It’s the first leg of my overland trip around the world, an expedition that I consider the last …. Original source  : Driving the Americas on a trip around the world: 4 months, 13,000 miles, NY to Buenos Aires.

Full-body scanner debuts at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport

Body scanner debuts at O’Hare
CHICAGO – The first and only full body scanner at the nation’s second largest airport is now open for business.

Aviation officials at O’Hare International Airport showed off the technology to reporters Monday before starting to send passengers through the machine.
The scanner looks like two blue telephone booths standing side-by-side.
Federal transportation authorities …. Source  : Full-body scanner debuts at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.

Funeral band, mixing Chinese and American influences, keeps Chinatown tradition alive

Funeral brass band keep Chinatown tradition alive

SAN FRANCISCO – Traffic along the teeming streets of Chinatown came to a standstill: death was parading by, heralded by the clear, sharp notes of a brass band. Women looked up from their grocery shopping; tourists pulled out their cameras.
In San Francisco, the traditions of Chinese-American funeral processions, with [..] Read the original article: here.

Nudity still shocks! NYC exhibit with naked performers in narrow doorway causes discomfort

Art in the flesh causes discomfort at NYC museum

NEW YORK – A new exhibit at The Museum of Modern Art is causing discomfort among some visitors by bringing them close to nude performers – some might say too close.
Two nude performers stand inches apart in a narrow doorway of the exhibit of work by Yugoslavian-born …. Source  : Nudity still shocks! NYC exhibit with naked performers in narrow doorway causes discomfort.

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