Science News – Newsletter for March 10, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Scientists extract DNA of extinct giant bird from fossil eggs
LONDON – Experts have successfully managed to extract DNA from a 19,000-year-old emu eggshell.
Charlotte Oskam and Michael Bunce, Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, were able to isolate mitochondrial DNA from the eggshells of several extinct megafauna, including the giant moa of New Zealand and a [..] Read the original article: here.
Now, mobile phones to offer X-ray vision
SYDNEY – Researchers at the University of South Australia have developed mobile phone software that can offer X-ray vision to see what’s on the other side of the building in front of you.
Christian Sandor said that the application works by using the phone’s camera, reports … Read more : Now, mobile phones to offer X-ray vision.
Soon, cotton fabrics to charge iPods, MP3 players and cell phones
WASHINGTON – Ever thought that your comfy cotton T-shirt could monitor your heart rate and breathing, analyse your sweat and even cool you off on a hot summer’s day? Or have you thought of a pillow that monitors your brain waves, or a solar-powered dress that can charge …. Read the original article : here.
How Orangutans communicate through dense jungle
WASHINGTON – By delving deeper into the long calls of male Orangutans in Borneo, scientists have got new insight into how these solitary apes communicate through dense jungle.
The researchers conducted an acoustic analysis of the calls, and revealed that the calls not only serve to attract females, …. Source : How Orangutans communicate through dense jungle.
Runaway Prius driver, patrol officer recount burning brakes as Toyota reputation suffers blow
Runaway Prius driver: Brakes were ‘almost burned’
EL CAJON, Calif. – Before he called 911, James Sikes says he reached down with his hand to loosen the “stuck” accelerator on his 2008 Toyota Prius, his other hand on the steering wheel. The pedal didn’t move.
“My car can’t slow down,” he began when a California Highway Patrol …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Runaway Prius driver, patrol officer recount burning brakes as Toyota reputation suffers blow.
China urges greater US commitments on climate change; technical, financial support
China tells US to do more on climate change
BEIJING – China told the United States on Wednesday to make stronger commitments on climate change and provide environmental expertise and financing to developing nations.
China’s top climate change negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, acknowledged the current U.S. administration’s greater stress on greenhouse gas reductions, but said its … Read more >>>.
Geneva’s Large Hadron Collider to shut down to address safety concerns
LONDON – Geneva’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to shut down for a year to address safety concerns
Dr. Steve Myers, a director at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva has told BBC News that some mistakes were made in construction.
Dr. Myers said these faults will delay the machine reaching its full potential for two years.
The … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Geneva’s Large Hadron Collider to shut down to address safety concerns.
Stress broadens men’s ‘mating’ tastes
LONDON – The mating business just got more complex: A new study has found that when stressed, men get drawn to a wider range of women.
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the research claimed that individuals are usually attracted to partners with similar facial features to their own, but after a brief but … Original article on : Stress broadens men’s ‘mating’ tastes.
Archaeologists identify oldest part of China’s Great Wall
BEIJING – Chinese archaeologists have identified the route of a 137-km stretch of China’s oldest Great Wall in central Henan Province, on which the remnants of 30 km of wall is still standing.
“The wall structure was built no later than 221 B.C. in the Warring States period,” quoted Sun Yingmin, a spokesman of the …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Archaeologists identify oldest part of China’s Great Wall.
Bronze-era Buddhist sites discovered in Swat
ISLAMABAD – An Italian archaeological mission in Pakistan has discovered a large number of Buddhist sites and rock shelters in Kandak and Kota valleys of Barikot in the Swat Valley linked to the Bronze Era.
“These are some of the finest and most fascinating ancient discoveries preserved in good condition,” Gulf News quoted Dr Luca Maria …. Source : Gaea News Network.
Ancient Chola period temple unearthed in North Jaffna
COLOMBO – A limestone temple 40 feet long and 10 feet wide belonging to the Chola period has been unearthed in the Delft area of Northern Jaffna.
Commenting on the finding, Professor P. Pushparatnam of the Jaffna University History Department, said the people of the locality are unable to say when this temple was built.
According to … Read : Ancient Chola period temple unearthed in North Jaffna.
Researcher reveals Kerala’s possible Mediterranean link
KOCHI – Archaeological remains like shards of Roman amphora have recently been dug up from Pattanam near Kochi, close to the ancient port town Muziris, known locally as Kdoungallur.
V. P. Devadas, principal investigator, carried out the recent study as part of a project of the University Grants Commission on ‘Megaliths of Kerala’ in the northern …. Original article : Researcher reveals Kerala’s possible Mediterranean link.
Catastrophic event halted birth of stars, say Durham researchers
WASHINGTON – Scientists at Durham University’s Department of Physics have found evidence of a catastrophic event that they believe was responsible for halting the birth of stars in a galaxy in the early Universe.
Their results appear in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
The Royal Society …. Original source : Catastrophic event halted birth of stars, say Durham researchers.
Reovirus may help fight prostate cancer
WASHINGTON – Scientists in Canada are working on a new way to treat prostate cancer using a virus.
In the study, researchers administered the virus to six volunteer patients and found that it killed off cancer cells while sparing normal tissue.
According to the study, the respiratory, enteric, orphan virus (commonly … Read : Reovirus may help fight prostate cancer.
How mosquitoes find a host
WASHINGTON – Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have found how the potentially deadly yellow-fever-transmitting Aedes aegypti mosquito finds a host.
They have discovered that the mosquito detects the specific chemical structure of a compound called octenol as one way to find a mammalian host for a blood meal.
Scientists have long known that mosquitoes can detect octenol, …. Original source : How mosquitoes find a host.
Light from lamps could one day encode a wireless broadband signal
WASHINGTON – Getting a broadband connection may soon be as simple as flipping on a light switch, say researchers from Germany.
According to the scientists, the light coming from the lamps could one day encode a wireless broadband signal.
“The advantage is that you’d be using light that is already there,” said Jelena Vucic of the Fraunhofer … Original source on Gaea Times at : Light from lamps could one day encode a wireless broadband signal.
Water discovered in Apollo moon rocks
WASHINGTON – Scientists have discovered tiny amounts of water in some of the famous moon rocks brought back to Earth by Apollo astronauts.
Recently NASA crashed two spacecraft into the moon and orbiters scanned the lunar surface for telltale light signatures.
And they confirmed existence of water on the moon.
The water levels detected in Apollo moon rocks … Original article on : Water discovered in Apollo moon rocks.
Animal activists from ‘The Cove’ documentary target Calif. sushi restaurant
Animal activists target Calif. sushi restaurant
SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Federal agents are investigating a high-end Santa Monica, Calif., sushi restaurant, following a video sting orchestrated by the producers of the Oscar-winning documentary “The Cove.”
U.S. attorney’s spokesman Thom Mrozek said Tuesday that Santa Monica’s The Hump restaurant is under investigation for serving slices of the endangered … Original article on : Animal activists from ‘The Cove’ documentary target Calif. sushi restaurant.
Colony of Tasmanian devils shows immunity to face cancer, revives hopes of species survival
Tasmanian devil colony shows immunity to cancer
ADELAIDE, Australia – Australian scientists said Wednesday that the discovery of a genetically distinct colony of Tasmanian devils may save the species from being wiped out by a contagious cancer that has decimated the population.
So far, the colony in northwestern Tasmania state has proven immune to the face cancer … Original source on Gaea Times at : Colony of Tasmanian devils shows immunity to face cancer, revives hopes of species survival.
Wide eyes betray decision-makers
LONDON – When people make decisions, their pupils dilate, a cue that could be used to predict a person’s intentions, says a new research.
It is already known that when it gets darker, pupils dilate. Such a reflex is mediated by the release of …. Read the original article : Wide eyes betray decision-makers.