Friday, March 05, 2010

Science News – Newsletter for March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Key cause of chronic leukemia progression identified

WASHINGTON – Scientists in the US have discovered why a form of leukemia progresses from its more-treatable chronic phase to a life-threatening phase called blast crisis.

They found that chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) progresses when immature white blood cells lose a molecule called miR-328.
Loss of the molecule traps the …. Read the original article  : Key cause of chronic leukemia progression identified.

The crowding effect is anything but random, say experts

WASHINGTON – A new study suggests that crowding effect in vision is not as random as it has been thought to be – the phenomenon makes the world appear more regular by essentially ‘blending’ nearby objects together.

When a person is reading, the word directly in front is usually clear, … Original source on Gaea Times at : The crowding effect is anything but random, say experts.

Lava likely made river-like meandering channel on Mars

WASHINGTON – New research indicates that flowing lava can carve or build paths very much like the riverbeds and canyons etched by water, which probably explains at least one of the meandering channels on the surface of Mars.

Whether channels on Mars were formed by water or by lava has been …. Source article on Gaea Times at  : Lava likely made river-like meandering channel on Mars.

Exotic winter-flowering plants keep bees busy during cold months

WASHINGTON – An unusual rise in the number of bees in the cold winter months has been observed in the recent years, and scientists have now discovered the reason behind it.

Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London have found that while most bees are hibernating, the buff-tailed …. Original source  : Exotic winter-flowering plants keep bees busy during cold months.

Lizard moms pick larger mates to have sons, smaller for daughters

WASHINGTON – Brown anole lizards are pretty clever when it comes to choosing males to father their kids-they mate with large fathers to produce more sons and go for smaller fathers to produce more daughters, revealed two …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Lizard moms pick larger mates to have sons, smaller for daughters.

New approach to trapping sunlight with silicon nanowires

WASHINGTON – Researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are developing a new approach, which would use silicon nanowires to better trap sunlight for future renewable green energy equations.

Although there are silicon photovoltaics that can convert sunlight into electricity at …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : New approach to trapping sunlight with silicon nanowires.

Moon’s biggest crater exposes its hidden lower crust

WASHINGTON – Reports indicate that the biggest and deepest crater on the Moon can provide glimpses of the hidden lower crust of Earth’s natural satellite.

Shortly after the Moon formed, an asteroid smacked into its southern hemisphere and gouged out a truly enormous crater, …. Original article  : Moon’s biggest crater exposes its hidden lower crust.

Finding on sage grouse could significantly affect renewable energy, oil and gas, in West

Interior to announce sage grouse finding Friday

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Interior Department plans to announce whether it will pursue endangered species protection for sage grouse, a decision with major ramifications for the West’s renewable energy and oil and gas industries.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is expected to say Friday whether the department will pursue listing the …. Read the original article  : Finding on sage grouse could significantly affect renewable energy, oil and gas, in West.

Lip-reading cellphone allows for soundless communication

WASHINGTON – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology researchers have developed the phone of the future, a lip-reading cell that allows for soundless communication.

The software by German researchers enables people to move their mouths silently and to have the motion be picked up … Read : Lip-reading cellphone allows for soundless communication.

‘Mischievous’ gut bugs could be making you fat

WASHINGTON – You can blame bacteria in your stomach for those unwanted pounds. A new study claims that the bugs, which are found in the digestive tract, boost appetite.

They also appear to cause cholesterol and blood pressure problems and raise the odds of diabetes and liver …. Source  : ‘Mischievous’ gut bugs could be making you fat.

Computers ‘understand women more than men’

LONDON – Voice recognition computers find men harder to understand than women, Edinburgh University scientists have found.

In the study, researchers recorded phone calls and studied how much of conversations a recognition system could understand, and after analyses they discovered that computers … Read : Computers ‘understand women more than men’.

Women of greater genetic diversity have more sex partners

SYDNEY – Women of greater genetic diversity have more sexual partners, concludes a new study.
After showing a series of genes linked to the immune system, Western Australia researchers say it can be explained why some women are more sexually successful than others.

The genes are thought to make them more attractive to potential partners.
According to professor …. Source  : Women of greater genetic diversity have more sex partners.

Evidence of sea ice extending to equator 715 mln yrs ago hints at “snowball Earth”

WASHINGTON – In a new research, geologists have found evidence that sea ice extended to the equator 716.5 million years ago, which gives weight to the theory of a “snowball Earth” event long suspected to have taken place around that time.

The research was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and led by scientists at …. Original source  : Evidence of sea ice extending to equator 715 mln yrs ago hints at “snowball Earth”.

Scientists discover most massive form of antimatter to date

WASHINGTON – An international team of scientists studying high-energy collisions of gold ions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has published evidence of the most massive antinucleus discovered to date.

The RHIC is a 2.4-mile-circumference particle accelerator located at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The new antinucleus, discovered at RHIC’s STAR detector, …. Original source  : Scientists discover most massive form of antimatter to date.

Organic food advocates say San Francisco is giving community gardeners toxic sludge as compost

Claim: San Francisco giving gardeners toxic sludge

SAN FRANCISCO – San Francisco wears its environmental consciousness like a green badge of honor. Residents separate and recycle their food scraps. Streets close to cars so people can walk and bike them. A city department even gives away “high-quality, nutrient-rich, organic bio-solids compost” to any and all takers.
But …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Organic food advocates say San Francisco is giving community gardeners toxic sludge as compost.

Now, You Tube videos to come with captions for deaf people

LONDON – YouTube videos can now be more accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing thanks to new automatic captions technology.

The feature will initially apply to English language videos, but other languages will be added in future.
The Google-owned company has claimed the use of speech recognition technology is probably the biggest experiment of its … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Now, You Tube videos to come with captions for deaf people.

Mars Express smoothly skims past enigmatic Phobos

PARIS – Reports indicate that Mars Express has smoothly skimmed past Phobos at just 67 km, the closest any manmade object has ever approached Mars’ enigmatic moon.

The data collected could help unlock the origin of not just Phobos but other ’second generation’ moons.
Phobos looks like a solid object but previous flybys have shown that it … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Mars Express smoothly skims past enigmatic Phobos.

Experimental vaccine shows promise against chikungunya

LONDON – Scientists have developed an experimental vaccine for chikungunya virus and successfully tested it in monkeys.

The vaccine, developed by at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Purdue University and Bioqual Inc, is composed of non-infectious “virus-like particles.”
Although coated with the same proteins that enable … Read more »».

Soon, helicopter that would investigate nuclear disasters

WASHINGTON – An engineering team at Virginia Tech University is developing an autonomous helicopter that would analyse the after-effects of nuclear disasters.

Roughly six feet long and weighing 200 pounds, the re-engineered aircraft- being developed by students at Virginia Tech’s Unmanned Systems Laboratory- would assist military investigators.
The helicopters would enter an American city after a … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Soon, helicopter that would investigate nuclear disasters.

Diabetes ‘leads to diminished brain power’

LONDON – Diabetic retinopathy could be associated with poorer memory and diminished brain power in people with Type 2 diabetes, according to a new research.

For the study, researchers at Edinburgh University looked at 1,066 people with type 2 diabetes aged between 60 and 75.
Participants in the study completed seven tests focusing on memory, logic and … Read more >>.

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