Friday, March 05, 2010

Health (General) – Newsletter for March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

HIV/Aids has become leading cause of death in women, warns UN

LONDON – A UN programme on HIV/Aids has warned that HIV is fast becoming the leading cause of death and disease among women of reproductive age worldwide.

UNAids launched a five-year action plan at the start a 10-day conference in New York, addressing the gender issues which put … Original source on Gaea Times at : HIV/Aids has become leading cause of death in women, warns UN.

Acupuncture could relieve joint pain linked to breast cancer treatments

WASHINGTON – Acupuncture could be an effective therapy for joint pain and stiffness in breast cancer patients who are being treated with commonly used hormonal therapies, says a new study.

Joint pain and stiffness are common side effects of aromatase inhibitor therapy, in which the synthesis of estrogen is blocked.
Researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer … Original source on Gaea Times at : Acupuncture could relieve joint pain linked to breast cancer treatments.

Stressed people likely to grind teeth at night

WASHINGTON – Stress not only hurts your brain, but also has a bad effect on teeth, claims a new study.

Boffins writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Head and Face Medicine studied the causes of ’sleep bruxism’, gnashing teeth during the night, finding that it was especially common in those who try to … Original article on : Stressed people likely to grind teeth at night.

Study shows link between vitamin D, skin cancer

WASHINGTON – Researchers at Henry Ford and Wayne State University has explained a link between Vitamin D levels and basal cell carcinoma, a discovery which could lead scientists to better understand the development of the most common form of skin cancer.

In a small study, boffins found elevated levels of Vitamin D enzymes and proteins in … Read more »»».

A rare pact: Teens’ double suicide ahead of speeding train rocks Pa. town; a friend backed out

A rare pact: Teens’ double suicide rocks Pa. town

NORWOOD, Pa. – As the high-speed Acela train came thundering down the rails, a teenage girl screamed at her friends to get off the tracks.
But Gina Gentile and Vanessa Dorwart did not move. They hugged as the train bore down on them at speeds up to 110 …. Source article on Gaea Times at  : A rare pact: Teens’ double suicide ahead of speeding train rocks Pa. town; a friend backed out.

Senators: Lift lifetime ban on gay men donating blood

Senators: Lift ban on gays donating blood
WASHINGTON – The time has come to change a policy that imposes a lifetime ban on donating blood for any man who has had gay sex since 1977, 18 senators said Thursday.

“Not a single piece of scientific evidence supports the ban,” said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who joined 16 … Original source on Gaea Times at : Senators: Lift lifetime ban on gay men donating blood.

Report: 63 prescriptions dispensed for assisted suicide in first 9 months of Washington law

63 suicide doses given in 1st 9 mos. of Wash. law

SEATTLE – The state of Washington says 63 suicide prescriptions were dispensed during the first nine months of the state’s “death with dignity” act to people between the ages of 48 and 95.
The Health Department said Thursday that of the 63 who received lethal doses, …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Low-fat or low-carb? Gene test claims to show which diet works best; skeptics aren’t so sure

Gene test claims to show what diet works best

Researchers say a gene test may help predict whether you can lose more weight on a low-fat or a low-carb diet.
It looks at three genes that affect how foods are metabolized. In a small study, women who were on diets matched to their genetic makeup lost up …. Original article  : Low-fat or low-carb? Gene test claims to show which diet works best; skeptics aren’t so sure.

Mets’ ace Santana faces live hitters for the first time since elbow surgery

Santana faces hitters for 1st time since surgery

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. – New York Mets ace Johan Santana completed his last big test before pitching in a game, throwing two simulated innings Thursday.
Facing hitters for the first time since having surgery on his left elbow late last season, Santana threw 40 pitches.
Santana is scheduled to …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Mets’ ace Santana faces live hitters for the first time since elbow surgery.

FDA says Takeda has agreed to rename Kadipex to avoid confusion with other drugs

Takeda renames heartburn drug to avoid errors
WASHINGTON – Federal regulators said Thursday that Takeda Pharmaceuticals will change the name of a heartburn drug that has repeatedly been confused by pharmacists with drugs meant to treat cancer and other ailments.
The Food and Drug Administration says the Japanese drugmaker will market its drug Kapidex under … Original source on Gaea Times at : FDA says Takeda has agreed to rename Kadipex to avoid confusion with other drugs.

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