Thursday, February 18, 2010

Health(General) – Newsletter for February 18, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Obesity raises kidney stone risk
WASHINGTON – It’s time you put a check on your weight as obesity, whether in mild or morbid form, doubles the risk of developing kidney stones, according to scientists.

“Whether someone is mildly obese or morbidly obese, the risk of getting kidney stones is the same,” says study leader Brian R. Matlaga, assistant professor of …. Original article  : Obesity raises kidney stone risk.

Taking ibuprofen regularly cuts Parkinson’s disease risk
WASHINGTON – People who regularly take ibuprofen may reduce their risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, suggests a new research.

The study involved 136,474 people who did not have Parkinson’s disease at the beginning of the research.
Participants were asked about their use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen. After six years, 293 participants …. Read the original article  : Taking ibuprofen regularly cuts Parkinson’s disease risk.

More flexibility in work schedules boosts employees’ health
WASHINGTON – A new study has suggested that giving employees more flexibility over their work schedules is likely to boost their health.

However, interventions that are motivated or dictated by the needs of the employer, such as cutting hours, either have no effect on employee health or make it worse, says the research.
“Control at work is … Read : More flexibility in work schedules boosts employees’ health.

Newborn-care training in developing countries reduces stillbirths: Study
LONDON – A study has revealed that the rate of stillbirths in rural areas of six developing countries fell more than 30 percent following a basic training program in newborn care for birth attendants.

The study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation tracked more than 120,000 births.
It tested [..] Read the original article: here.

Over 160 cases of Hepatitis E in Shimla since mid-January
SHIMLA – More than 160 people in the Himachal Pradesh state capital have tested positive for Hepatitis E — a liver problem caused by the consumption of water contaminated by sewerage — since the outbreak of the disease in mid-January, officials said Thursday.

“Patients suffering from jaundice (Hepatitis E) are being reported at various government and … Original article on : Over 160 cases of Hepatitis E in Shimla since mid-January.

Michelle Obama to take childhood obesity drive on Mike Huckabee’s TV show
WASHINGTON – Michelle Obama is set to voice her concerns about childhood obesity with an appearance on Mike Huckabee’s Fox News program.

The US First Lady will discuss the pitfalls of the condition with Huckabee, the potential future Republican presidential candidate who fought weight problems of his own and eventually dropped more than 100 pounds.
Huckabee praised …. Source article  : Michelle Obama to take childhood obesity drive on Mike Huckabee’s TV show.

Obesity ‘ups kidney stone risk’
WASHINGTON – A new study from Johns Hopkins has shown that obesity nearly doubles the risk of developing kidney stones.

The research also showed that the degree of obesity doesn’t appear to increase or decrease the risk one way or the other.
“The common thinking was that as weight rises, kidney stone risk rises as well, but …. Original article  : Obesity ‘ups kidney stone risk’.

New test quickly detects kidney transplant rejection
SYDNEY – A urine test devised by researchers is faster, simpler and less invasive than current biopsy tests to detect kidney transplant rejections.

The first ever urine test to detect such rejections has been developed by University of Otago researchers, based on a seven-year study of New Zealand, Australian and Swiss kidney transplant patients.
This …. Read the original article  : New test quickly detects kidney transplant rejection.

Chronic migraineurs more likely to be sick, poor, depressed
WASHINGTON – A new research has shown that chronic migraine sufferers tend to be in poorer general health, less well off, and more depressed than those with episodic migraine.

The results are based on the study of almost 12,000 adults with episodic – a severe headache on up to 14 days of the month – or … Read : Chronic migraineurs more likely to be sick, poor, depressed.

Frying meat on gas hob ‘ups cancer risk’
WASHINGTON – Frying meat in a pan on a gas hob may be worse than using an electric ring for raising the risk of cancer, according to a new study.

The new research suggests that professional chefs and cooks may be particularly at risk.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently classified cooking fumes …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

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