Science News – Newsletter for February 17, 2010
Earth’s earliest animals could flex their muscles According to a report in ABC Science, the team, from the University of Oxford and Memorial University of Newfoundland, found fossilised trails left by Ediacarans, an enigmatic assemblage of …. Source : Gaea News Network. Clay figures found in Ghana hints at existence of pre-Islam society According to BBC News, experts from the University of Ghana found 80 sculptures believed to be between 800 and 1,400 years old. Silicon-coated nanonets could pave way for longer-lasting lithium-ion batteries The web-like Nanonets were developed in the lab of Boston College Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dunwei Wang. Americans like conservation, but few practice it A majority of Americans say that it is “very important” or “somewhat important” to turn off unneeded lights (92 percent), to lower … Original source on Gaea Times at : Americans like conservation, but few practice it. Diamond is a nanowire’s best friend! To create their diamond nanowire device, the researchers from Harvard University, the Technical University of Munich and Texas A and M, took advantage of the same … Read this article on Gaea Times at : Diamond is a nanowire’s best friend!. Nanotech catalyst may green chemical manufacturing Although chemists have long been aware of the ecological impact of traditional chemical catalysts and do attempt to reuse their materials, it is generally difficult to separate the catalysing chemicals from the …. Original source : Nanotech catalyst may green chemical manufacturing. New artificial foot recycles energy for easy walking “For amputees, what they experience when they’re trying to walk normally is what I would experience if I were carrying an extra 30 pounds,” said Art Kuo, professor in biomedical and … Read : New artificial foot recycles energy for easy walking. USB ‘fingerprints’ can help detect data theft Theft of valuable data through USB ports is a growing problem. Pod slurpers can steal an individual document by copying it onto a USB stick. Hackers can also copy a large number of documents via document-scavenging tools like USB … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : USB ‘fingerprints’ can help detect data theft. Low altitude at Vancouver Olympics means fewer records in speed skating Researchers say that for winter sports athletes, the altitude of the …. Read the original article : Low altitude at Vancouver Olympics means fewer records in speed skating. Genetic clues to counter malaria drug resistance According to researchers, the discovery could lead to advanced pharmaceuticals to fight the disease and prevent drug resistance. AP Top News at 3:04 a.m. EST AP Top News at 3:00 a.m. EST Second-hand smoke in bars, restaurants extremely hazardous The study by the Oklahoma Tobacco Research Centre (OTRC) shows the average particulate level measured in restaurant smoking rooms was beyond the hazardous extreme, based on levels established by the …. Original article : Second-hand smoke in bars, restaurants extremely hazardous. AP Top News at 2:45 a.m. EST Facebook to launch ‘Zero’ version for mobile phones The world’s biggest social network revealed details about the new site at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Silicon wire arrays enable development of highly absorbing and flexible solar cells The solar cell does all this using only a … Read : Silicon wire arrays enable development of highly absorbing and flexible solar cells. Flower power may cut resistance to breast cancer drug tamoxifen The experts reported the finding online Feb. 12 in FASEB. Ultraviolet pigment gives butterflies ability to identify own species The finding, by biologists at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), holds true in at least nine Heliconius species. How do newborns learn two languages? Infants born to bilingual mothers (who spoke both languages regularly during pregnancy) exhibit different language preferences than infants born to mothers speaking only one language. AP Top News at 2:07 a.m. EST Biomarkers in saliva for early-stage pancreatic cancer detection found In the new study, the multidisciplinary group of investigators from the UCLA School of Dentistry, the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, the UCLA School of Public Health and UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center demonstrated the usefulness of … Read more >>>. Now, text while you drive sans the use of your hands “If you can’t keep people from doing it, make it safer,” said Juan Gilbert, professor and chairman of the human-centered computing division of Clemson’s School of Computing. Astronomers come closer to understanding source of cosmic rays Cosmic rays consist mainly of protons that move through space at nearly the speed of light. Reading to kids crucial in developing familiarity with English But, according to George Georgiou, University of Alberta (U-A) professor in educational psychology, it is instrumental for English-speaking children if they are to acquire the language [..] Read the original article: here. Chandigarh to launch project to popularise CFLs Under BLY, incandescent bulbs in Chandigarh homes will be replaced by Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) at a price similar to that of the bulbs. Garbage continues to pile up in pilgrim city Puri Instead of cleaning, the workers have been depositing garbage on the streets of the temple town, some 56 km from here. Despite repeated attempts by the … Read more >>. Maldives to phase out polluting chemicals 20 years early Hailing the decision to phase …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Maldives to phase out polluting chemicals 20 years early. AP Top News at 1:28 a.m. EST AP Top News at 1:26 a.m. EST AP Top News at 1:21 a.m. EST Astronauts take in stunning views of Earth as shutters open at space station’s new lookout CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – In a highly anticipated grand finale to their mission, astronauts opened the shutters on the International Space Station’s new observation deck Wednesday and were humbled by “absolutely spectacular” views of Earth from inside the elaborate atrium of windows. Soon, scorpion venom-based painkillers Prof. Michael Gurevitz, a Tel Aviv University researcher, is investigating new ways for developing a novel painkiller based on natural compounds found in the venom of scorpions. King Tut didn’t die of malaria, say experts Just a few days back, a research team had claimed to have solved the mystery surrounding the death of King Tut. Toyota begins fix on other hybrid models, apologizes for recalls in Japan newspapers TOKYO – Toyota took full-page ads in major Japanese newspapers Wednesday to apologize for massive recalls, and began fixing braking glitches for two problem hybrid models, as pressure continued to build on the automaker to come clean on defects. Scorpion venom could replace morphine as painkiller Michael Gurevitz, professor, Tel Aviv University’s (TAU) Department of Plant Sciences, is investigating new ways for developing a novel painkiller based on natural compounds found in scorpion venom. Insomnia ‘can shrink your brain’ With the help of brain imaging, researchers have linked chronic insomnia to lower gray matter density in areas that regulate the brain’s ability to make decisions and to rest, reports Discovery News. Turmeric – a new way to spice up your weight loss routine The compound can stall the spread of fat-tissue by inhibiting new blood vessel growth, called angiogenesis, which is necessary to build fat tissue, according to results from a new animal model study by …. Read the original article : Turmeric – a new way to spice up your weight loss routine. AP Top News at 12:28 a.m. EST Overfishing threatens key species in Mexico: Greenpeace Red snapper, shrimp, sardines, sharks, rays, tuna and groupers from the Gulf of Mexico, salmon from the Atlantic and grey mullet are all on a Red List prepared by the …. Source article : Overfishing threatens key species in Mexico: Greenpeace. AP Top News at 12:08 a.m. EST
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
SYDNEY – A team of paleontologists has found fossils in Canada that show the earliest evidence of animal locomotion, which suggests that they must have had muscles.
LONDON – Reports indicate that archaeologists have unearthed dozens of clay figures in Ghana, shedding light on a sophisticated society which existed before the arrival of Islam.
They believe that the figures, depicting animal and …. Source : Clay figures found in Ghana hints at existence of pre-Islam society.
WASHINGTON – A team of Boston College chemists has developed a tiny scaffold-like titanium structure of nanonets coated with silicon particles, which they say could pave the way for faster, lighter and longer-lasting Lithium-ion batteries.
They offer a unique structural [..] Read the original article: here.
WASHINGTON – The results of a national survey by researchers at Yale and George Mason universities has revealed that most Americans like the idea of conservation, but few practice it in their everyday lives.
WASHINGTON – A team of engineers and applied physicists has sculpted a novel nanowire from diamond crystal and shown that the wire can act as a source of single photons.
TORONTO – A new nanotech catalyst developed by chemists offers industry an opportunity to reduce the use of expensive and toxic heavy metals.
WASHINGTON – An artificial foot that recycles energy otherwise wasted in between steps could make it easier for amputees to walk, its developers say.
LONDON – Scientists are making an effort to use ‘USB fingerprints’ to identify ‘pod slurping’ data thieves.
WASHINGTON – Experts have determined that the altitude of the venue of a sports extravaganza, like the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, can have a significant impact on performance of the contestants, making it difficult for athletes to make new records in events like speed skating.
LONDON – An international group of researchers has used genomics to decode the blueprint of Plasmodium falciparum – a strain of malaria most resistant to drugs that causes the most deaths around the world.
“Combating malaria resistance is nothing … Read more »»».
AP Top News at 3:04 a.m. EST
Afghan official: Taliban using human shields
MARJAH, Afghanistan – Taliban fighters are increasingly using civilians as human shields in the assault on the southern town of Marjah, an Afghan official said Wednesday as military squads resumed painstaking house-to-house searches in the Taliban stronghold. About 15,000 NATO and Afghan troops are … Read more »».
AP Top News at 3:00 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly … Original source on Gaea Times at : AP Top News at 3:00 a.m. EST.
WASHINGTON – Concentrations of second-hand tobacco smoke, inhaled in smoking rooms of restaurants and bars, are exceptionally high and hazardous to health, says a new finding.
AP Top News at 2:45 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly … Read : AP Top News at 2:45 a.m. EST.
LONDON – Facebook has announced the creation of its new site “Zero”, a low-bandwidth and text-only version for mobile phone users.
The company said the site, which “omits data intensive applications like photos”, would be launched soon, The BBC …. Original article on Gaea Times at : Facebook to launch ‘Zero’ version for mobile phones.
WASHINGTON – A team of scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has used arrays of long, thin silicon wires embedded in a polymer substrate created a new type of flexible solar cell that enhances the absorption of sunlight and efficiently converts its photons into electrons.
WASHINGTON – Researchers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center claim tamoxifen, the world’s most prescribed breast cancer agent, along with a compound found in the flowering plant feverfew may prevent initial or future resistance to the drug.
“A solution to tamoxifen resistance is sorely needed, and if … Read more >>.
WASHINGTON – In a new research, scientists have found that butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, which enables them to identify their own species.
The … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Ultraviolet pigment gives butterflies ability to identify own species.
TORONTO – It may not be obvious, but hearing two languages regularly during pregnancy puts infants on the road to bilingualism by birth.
Psychologists Krista Byers-Heinlein and Janet F. Werker … Read more »».
AP Top News at 2:07 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly …. Original article : AP Top News at 2:07 a.m. EST.
WASHINGTON – A team of researchers has found biomarkers in saliva for early-stage detection of pancreatic cancer.
WASHINGTON – A hands-free alternative to cell phone texting while driving has been developed by Clemson University researchers.
Gilbert’s team developed application VoiceTEXT, that allows drivers to speak text messages …. Original source : Now, text while you drive sans the use of your hands.
WASHINGTON – New images from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope are helping astronomers take a step closer to understanding the source of cosmic rays, which are some of the universe’s most energetic particles.
In their journey across the galaxy, the particles …. Original article : Astronomers come closer to understanding source of cosmic rays.
TORONTO – Poring over the adventures of the Bernstain Bears or exploring the worlds of Hans Christian Andersen with a child has always been a great parent-child bonding exercise.
CHANDIGARH – The administration here will soon launch a Bachat Lamp Yojana (Save Lamp Plan, BLY) to reduce domestic energy consumption, an official said Wednesday.
“Domestic consumers will get good quality [..] Read the original article: here.
BHUBANESWAR – Heaps of garbage continued to pile up in the main street of Orissa’s pilgrim city Puri as the indefinite strike by cleaning workers entered the third day Wednesday.
MAL – The Maldives has pledged to phase out by 2020 a group of chemicals which thin out the earth’s ozone layer and warm the atmosphere, according to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The phase-out will be 20 years ahead of what all countries have to do under an international protocol.
AP Top News at 1:28 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly …. Source : AP Top News at 1:28 a.m. EST.
AP Top News at 1:26 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly …. Original article : AP Top News at 1:26 a.m. EST.
AP Top News at 1:21 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly … Read more : AP Top News at 1:21 a.m. EST.
Astronauts unveil phenomenal new window on world
The $27 million lookout opened each of its …. Original source : Astronauts take in stunning views of Earth as shutters open at space station’s new lookout.
WASHINGTON – Scorpion venom could be used as an alternative to dangerous and addictive painkillers like morphine, an expert has claimed.
He said that these compounds have gone through millions … Original source on Gaea Times at : Soon, scorpion venom-based painkillers.
LONDON – Experts have challenged a research team’s findings on the Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamun that he had died because of malaria.
Imaging results in their report indicated that Tutankhamun had osteonecrosis of two metatarsal bones in … Read this article on Gaea Times at : King Tut didn’t die of malaria, say experts.
Toyota apologizes, begins fix on other hybrids
Toyota Motor Corp. President Akio Toyoda is scheduled to give an … Original article on : Toyota begins fix on other hybrid models, apologizes for recalls in Japan newspapers.
LONDON – Scorpion venom is notoriously poisonous but it can potentially replace dangerous and addictive painkillers like morphine, says a new study.
These compounds have gone through … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Scorpion venom could replace morphine as painkiller.
WASHINGTON – Individuals battling insomnia are losing out on more than just sleep – they may be missing brain matter.
“The findings predict that chronic …. Original article on Gaea Times at : Insomnia ‘can shrink your brain’.
WASHINGTON – Curcumin, a bioactive component in Indian spice turmeric, can prove effective if added in weight loss routine, a new study suggests.
AP Top News at 12:28 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly … Original article on : AP Top News at 12:28 a.m. EST.
Mexico City, Feb 17 (IANS/EFE) The species of fish and shellfish most consumed in Mexico “are at risk” due to overfishing, according to international NGO Greenpeace.
AP Top News at 12:08 a.m. EST
Bayh the latest exit as moderates leave Congress
WASHINGTON – The moderate middle is disappearing from Congress. Evan Bayh is just the latest senator to forgo a re-election bid, joining a growing line of pragmatic, find-a-way politicians who are abandoning Washington. Still here: ever-more-polarized colleagues locked in gridlock – exactly …. Source article on Gaea Times at : AP Top News at 12:08 a.m. EST.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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