Pets News – Newsletter for November 29, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Labour minister was ‘a hound dog with women’, reveals embassy cable
LONDON – The London embassy has apparently passed on intelligence about a British Labour minister saying he “reportedly remains a bit of a hound dog where women are concerned”, according to a leaked document.
The minister, whose name is being withheld, was “forced to apologize … to a female … who accused him of sexual harassment …. Original source : Labour minister was ‘a hound dog with women’, reveals embassy cable.
African lizard fossil linked to modern-day Komodo dragon in Indonesia
WASHINGTON – A new research has found a mysterious link between the bones of ancient lizards found in Africa and the biggest, baddest modern-day lizard of them all, the Komodo dragon, half a world away in Indonesia.
The research, conducted by University of …. Original article : African lizard fossil linked to modern-day Komodo dragon in Indonesia.