Sunday, June 27, 2010

Education News – Newsletter for June 27, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A lifetime of playing it safe puts Kagan on undeviating path to front steps of high court

Kagan’s life an undeviating course to high court
WASHINGTON – For all the ink devoted to Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan lately, it may be her own words that best explain her success at charting an undeviating course to the front steps of the high court.
She’s excelled by dint of hard work, … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : A lifetime of playing it safe puts Kagan on undeviating path to front steps of high court.

Sarah Palin says student ‘Dumpster divers’ at California campus were wasting their time

Palin decries ‘Dumpster divers’ at Calif. campus
TURLOCK, Calif. – Sarah Palin leveled criticism at California’s attorney general and others raising questions about her visit to a cash-strapped university, telling supporters that students had better things to do than dive through Dumpsters to find out how much she earns speaking.
The former Alaska …. Original source  : Sarah Palin says student ‘Dumpster divers’ at California campus were wasting their time.

Sarah Palin criticizes those raising questions about visit to cash-strapped Calif. university

Palin speaks at California campus amid controversy
TURLOCK, Calif. – Sarah Palin leveled criticism at California’s attorney general and others raising questions about her visit to a cash-strapped university, telling supporters that students had better things to do than dive through Dumpsters to find out how much she earns speaking.
The former Alaska governor’s headline …. Original source  : Sarah Palin criticizes those raising questions about visit to cash-strapped Calif. university.

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