Thursday, June 24, 2010

Legal Press Release – Newsletter for June 24, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Experts From Pinsent Masons Respond to Today’s Emergency Budget

LONDON, June 22, 2010 – Experts from international law firm Pinsent Masons comment on the
Chancellor's Emergency Budget delivered today 22 June 2010:

VAT Rise to 20%
Ian Hyde, tax partner at Pinsent Masons comments:
"The increase in rate will be a blow for retailers who [...]

Plaintiffs Prevail in Challenge to Deep Water Drilling Moratorium

NEW ORLEANS, June 22, 2010 – Hornbeck Offshore Services, the Chouest Entities, and the Bollinger
Entities have prevailed in their challenge to the federal government
moratorium on deep water drilling. The Plaintiffs brought their challenge
based on their belief that the moratorium is not consistent with the law, and
they appreciate that Judge Martin Feldman not only gave [...]

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