Science News – Newsletter for June 22, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
German expert working to tame the Brahmaputra
GUWAHATI – A German hydrologist has been entrusted by the Assam government to tame the great Asian river Brahmaputra that causes catastrophic flooding and erosion, causing destruction across the region.
“The German expert has drafted a concept paper detailing the methods he would be using to mitigate the woes caused by the flooding and massive erosion … Read : German expert working to tame the Brahmaputra.
Progesterone could replace estrogen to treat hot flashes in
WASHINGTON – For postmenopausal women, who experience bothersome hot flashes or night sweats, oral micronized progesterone could be an alternative treatment to estrogen.
Available only by prescription and sold under the brand name Prometrium in the United States and Canada, this form of progesterone is manufactured from a steroid in yams.
“This is the first evidence that …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Progesterone could replace estrogen to treat hot flashes in.
Language evolves following a ‘bumpy ride’ not straightforward path
WASHINGTON – A recent analysis of an ancient language demonstrates that linguistic change does not follow a straightforward path toward a simpler system but takes a rather “bumpy ride” to its destination.
The study entitled “Dvandvas, Blocking, and the Associative: The Bumpy Ride from Phrase to Word,” has been authored by Paul Kiparsky of Stanford University. … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Language evolves following a ‘bumpy ride’ not straightforward path.
Insight into make-up of cells could help in development of new medicines
WASHINGTON – The discovery that proteins communicate by a complex network of chemical messages could lead to the development of new medicines, suggests a new study.
Drugs could have a greater effect on cell function by targeting groups of proteins working together, rather than individual proteins.
Results were obtained by studying yeast, which has many corresponding …. Source : Gaea News Network.
High fructose levels make maturing fat cells fatter, less insulin-sensitive
WASHINGTON – Fructose- the sugar widely used as high-fructose corn syrup in soft drinks and processed foods-when present in high levels throughout childhood could make maturing human fat cells fatter and less insulin-sensitive.
The researchers, led by Dr. Georgina Coade at the University of Bristol in the U.K., found that when fructose is present as children’s … Read more >>>.
Riding a bike is extremely complicated, say scientists
LONDON – Learnt to ride a bike at a young age? Well, then give a pat on your shoulder, for scientists have said that it is actually far more complicated than it was thought.
Researchers from three different countries took more than three years to come up with a mathematical formula to mimic what most children … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : Riding a bike is extremely complicated, say scientists.
‘Life-extending’ dietary supplement helps lemurs lose weight
WASHINGTON – In a study on lemurs, researchers found that resveratrol-known as dietary supplement for its supposed life-extending effects-could result in significant weight loss in these primates.
This is the first time that the anti-obesity properties of resveratrol have been demonstrated in a primate.
The compound is generated naturally by plants to ward off pathogens.
Fabienne … Original article on : ‘Life-extending’ dietary supplement helps lemurs lose weight.
World’s first plastic antibodies created
WASHINGTON – In what could be called a breakthrough study, researchers at UC Irvine have developed the first “plastic antibodies” successfully employed in live organisms, which could block spread of bee venom through the bloodstream of mice.
Tiny polymeric particles – just 1/50,000th the width of a human hair – were designed to match and encase …. Source : World’s first plastic antibodies created.
Now, a device that releases stink bomb when you swear online!
NEW YORK – Those who can’t enough of dropping F-bombs online, a nasty dose of Pepper Mouth may curb your habit.
The device, invented by the Ultra-Modern-Life Training Lab, is plugged into a computer’s USB port. It is a stink bomb canister that emits foul smells when swear words are used.
The main motive of Pepper … Read : Now, a device that releases stink bomb when you swear online!.
Human body louse genome sequenced
WASHINGTON – Scientists have successfully sequenced the genome of the human body louse.
The achievement is expected to yield new insights into louse – and human – biology and evolution.
The research also sequenced the genome of a microbe that lives inside the body louse.
The tiny, blood-sucking body louse Pediculus humanus humanus L. seems to appear out … Read more >>.
Dumb women ‘more likely to go after rich guys’
NEW YORK – Women with low IQs are more likely than smarter women to go after rich men, according to a new research.
Experts say that it’s not that women with a low IQ are naturally greedy, but they may instinctively be trying to line up financial security for their future kids.
Study author Dr. Christine …. Original article : Dumb women ‘more likely to go after rich guys’.
Early homonids walked on twos 400,000 years earlier than believed
WASHINGTON – The discovery and the consequent analysis of an early hominid skeleton – 400,000 years older than the famous “Lucy” skeleton – suggests that advanced human-like, upright walking occurred much earlier than previously thought.
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Kent State University, Case Western Reserve University, Addis Ababa University and Berkeley Geochronology Center were …. Source : Early homonids walked on twos 400,000 years earlier than believed.
Gene therapy may help cure diabetes
WASHINGTON – Scientists from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston have developed an experimental cure for Type 1 diabetes.
sing gene therapy, the team tried to counter the two defects that cause Type 1 diabetes: autoimmune attack and destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells.
They used non-obese diabetic mice, which spontaneously develop diabetes due to autoimmunity, …. Read the original article : Gene therapy may help cure diabetes.
‘Hunger’ hormone ups desire for high-calorie foods
WASHINGTON – A new study has found that the stomach hormone ghrelin, which acts in the brain to stimulate hunger and increase food intake, heightens the appeal of high-calorie foods over low-calorie foods.
“It raises the possibility that drugs that block the action of ghrelin may help reduce cravings for high-calorie foods and so help …. Source : ‘Hunger’ hormone ups desire for high-calorie foods.
‘Earliest evolutionary history’ of Milky Way revealed
WASHINGTON – German astronomers have been successful in investigating for the first time the “earliest evolutionary history” of the Milky Way.
According to the scientists from the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at Bonn University and the Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, the early Galaxy went from smooth to clumpy in just …. Read the original article : here.
HEALTHBEAT: Researchers take a closer look at 40-somethings who survive cystic fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis: More patients live into adulthood
WASHINGTON – Doctors always said allergies and asthma were behind Laura Mentch’s repeated lung and sinus infections. Only when she turned 50 did she discover the real culprit – a disease notorious for destroying children’s lungs.
Mentch is part of the gradual graying of cystic fibrosis: More and more patients … Read more >>>.
Punjab zoo to have toy train
CHANDIGARH – The Chhatbir zoo near here will soon have a toy train.
It will be the second zoo after Patna to have such a train, its director T.K. Behera said. “The train track will cover the entire zoo.”
Chhatbir zoo, some 15 km from Chandigarh, is one of the largest zoos in the country. It …. Source article on Gaea Times at : Punjab zoo to have toy train.
Early signs of schizophrenia found in brains of infants
WASHINGTON – Scientists have identified what they believe may the early signs of schizophrenia in the brains of children shortly after birth.
According to researchers, the discovery could lead to earlier detection of the mental disorder and enable better prevention and treatment. ost cases of schizophrenia aren’t detected until a person starts experiencing symptoms like delusions …. Original source : Early signs of schizophrenia found in brains of infants.
Plastics chemical BPA linked to PCOS
WASHINGTON – A new research has found that women with the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common hormone imbalance in women of reproductive age, have higher BPA blood levels.
BPA, or bisphenol A, is a chemical inside some plastics and most canned foods we eat.
In the study, researchers also found that BPA, a known hormone …. Original source : Plastics chemical BPA linked to PCOS.
Chimps kill neighbours to expand territory
Washington, June 22 (ANI): It has long been known that chimpanzees kill their neighbouring groups, but a motive has largely escaped researchers, until now. A new study has, however, found that chimps, and especially small packs of males on patrol, kill one another to gain territory.
“The take-home is clear and simple. Chimpanzees kill each …. Source article : Chimps kill neighbours to expand territory.