Monday, June 21, 2010

Simple Thoughts (Technology) – Newsletter for June 21, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gurgaon Metro Railway Runs First Train

GURGAON, INDIA ( For all those who have long wished for an effective transport system from Delhi to Gurgaon shall have a reason to rejoice. Reportedly, Gurgaon Metro section welcomed it’s first train from Delhi on Monday morning. The Gurgaon Metro section has been connected to Delhi which shall carry passengers from Qutub Minar … Read more »»».

Trying ‘judge-directed negotiations’ as an alternative to trials in medical malpractice cases

Judge’s innovation may offer malpractice fix

WASHINGTON – To settle medical malpractice lawsuits, Judge Douglas McKeon sometimes quietly listens to heartbroken family members vent their anger. He calls it “humanness.”
Curiosity about medical matters led the longtime New York City judge to become a specialist in resolving wrenching cases that involve life-changing harm to patients. Taking note, …. Read the original article  : here.

Candidates and the iCampaign: Hopefuls already savvy with Facebook, Twitter embrace phone apps

iCampaigning? Candidates turning to phone apps
ATLANTA – Running for office? You can make an app for that.
Maintaining a Facebook page and Twitter feed has become standard practice for political candidates seeking to get their message out. And some are even creating iPhone applications so supporters can follow their campaigns and make contributions on …. Original source  : Candidates and the iCampaign: Hopefuls already savvy with Facebook, Twitter embrace phone apps.

Abnormal radiation detected near border, but SKorea says NKorea did not conduct nuclear test

Abnormal radiation detected near Korean border

SEOUL, South Korea – Abnormal radiation was detected near the inter-Korean border days after North Korea claimed last month to have achieved a nuclear technology breakthrough, South Korea’s Science Ministry said Monday.
The ministry said it failed to find the cause of the radiation but ruled out a possible underground nuclear …. Original source  : Abnormal radiation detected near border, but SKorea says NKorea did not conduct nuclear test.

As industry struggles, Federal Communications Commission studies media ownership limits

FCC asks: Do media ownership limits make sense?

WASHINGTON – Even the news industry’s free fall probably will not be enough to wipe out complicated federal rules designed to restrain the power of media companies.
For decades, the Federal Communications Commission has imposed strict limits preventing any company from controlling too many media properties in the same … Read the original article on Gaea Times at : As industry struggles, Federal Communications Commission studies media ownership limits.

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