Friday, June 04, 2010

Health (General) – Newsletter for June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Major new study of Libby asbestos includes finding 50 years of high school graduates

Major new study of Libby asbestos starts
SPOKANE, Wash. – Attention graduates of Montana’s Libby High School: asbestos researchers are looking for you.

People who attended Libby High between 1950 and 1999, and then moved away, are being asked to submit to tests to help determine the extent of contamination caused by asbestos mining and processing in …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Excess weight in pregnancy gateway to heart risks in child

LONDON – Researchers have uncovered evidence to show that piling on too much weight in pregnancy may lead to future heart risks in the child.

New research at the University of Bristol’s (UB) Children of the 90’s project shows that women who piled on weight more than recommended by the 2009 Institute of Medicine’s guidelines had …. Source  : Excess weight in pregnancy gateway to heart risks in child.

Trekking poles reduce muscle damage to mountain hikers

LONDON – Trekking poles help mountain hikers maintain muscle function while significantly reducing soreness in the days following a hike, says a new study.

“The results present strong evidence that trekking poles reduce, almost to the point of complete disappearance, the extent of muscle damage during a day’s mountain trek,” says Glyn Howatson, of Northumbria University, …. Read the original article  : Trekking poles reduce muscle damage to mountain hikers.

Kicking tobacco habit amongst HIV patients

WASHINGTON – Researchers have now decided to focus their attention on finding ways to kick the smoking habit amongst people suffering from HIV/AIDS.

A research by Saint Louis University School of Public Health found that of the 1.1 million Americans living with HIV/AIDS, between 40 …. Original article  : Kicking tobacco habit amongst HIV patients.

HIV child traded off through illegal adoption in Pune

PUNE – Maharashtra Police have arrested the director of the Pune-based orphanage Gurukul Godavari Balak Ashram for selling a baby for one lakh rupees to a couple in Mumbai.

Mathew Yanmal was detained on charges of giving …. Source article on Gaea Times at  : HIV child traded off through illegal adoption in Pune.

India formulates its first indigenous vaccine against H1N1

NEW DELHI – Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad formally launched the country’s first indigenously formulated vaccine against H1N1 (Vaxiflu-S) here on Thursday.

The egg based, inactivated vaccine formulated on conventional technology has been conceptualised by the pharmaceutical experts at the laboratories of Cadila …. Source  : India formulates its first indigenous vaccine against H1N1.

Soon, simple urine test for autism

WASHINGTON – Autistic children have a different chemical fingerprint in their urine than their non-autistic peers, according to a new study.

According to researchers behind the Journal of Proteome Research study, from Imperial College London and the University of South Australia, the findings could … Read more >>.

Olive oil helps breast cancer survivors lose weight

WASHINGTON – Olive oil produces greater weight loss in breast cancer survivors compared to a more traditional low-fat diet, a study has found.

The finding could be of great importance to women with breast cancer, since excess weight at the time of diagnosis, or even moderate weight gain …. Original article  : Olive oil helps breast cancer survivors lose weight.

Vaginal microbes vary among healthy women

WASHINGTON – A new study says the delicate balance of microbes in the vagina can vary greatly between healthy women.

The researchers of the study, led by the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Institute for Genome Sciences, hope further study will lead to personalized reproductive medicine for women, allowing …. Source article  : Vaginal microbes vary among healthy women.

Coffee does not make you more alert: Study

LONDON – The belief that a cup of coffee stimulates the brain and makes drinkers feel more awake is a myth as scientists have found that the so-called “caffeine high” is just a reaction to the body craving the drug.

A study of 379 people showed regular coffee drinkers needed a hit of caffeine to gain … Read more : Coffee does not make you more alert: Study.

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