Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Diabetes News – Newsletter for June 2, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Experts discourage younger diabetic patients from using Aspirin

WASHINGTON – Experts are now recommending that low-dose aspirin therapy to prevent heart attacks should be avoided, especially for young diabetic patients.

The recommendation says that men younger than 50 and women younger than 60 should not use aspirin. Experts said that the risks … Read more »»».

Big bottom keeps diabetes away?

LONDON – A big bottom is good for you because it raises the levels of good cholesterol that protects against hardening of arteries and also cuts the risk of diabetes, say researchers.

Scientists also claim people with lots of moles are years younger biologically than those with mark-free skin. They may retain their youthful looks for …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Big bottom keeps diabetes away?.

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