Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Health (General) – Newsletter for March 31, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Modifying brain region can alter moral judgments

WASHINGTON – Neuroscientists can influence people’s moral judgments by disrupting a specific brain region — a finding that helps reveal how the brain constructs morality, says a new study.

To make moral judgments about other people, we often need to infer their intentions — an ability known as “theory of mind.”
For instance, if a …. Source article  : Modifying brain region can alter moral judgments.

Orange juice suppresses ill effects of fast food

WASHINGTON – Flavonoid, an antioxidant in orange juice, taken along with a high-fat meal, especially fast food, neuters its ill effects, says a new study.

Free radicals, or reactive oxygen species, are known to induce inflammation in blood vessel linings and contribute to the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Endocrinologists at the University …. Original article on Gaea Times at  : Orange juice suppresses ill effects of fast food.

Women medical researchers paid less than men

WASHINGTON – Women engaged in medical research receive lower levels of compensation than male counterparts, even at the upper levels of academic and professional accomplishment, says a new study.

The results indicated that women who reached the rank of full professor worked significantly more hours per week than men of the same rank, a difference primarily [..] Read the original article: here.

Twitter may transmit misinformation about antibiotics

WASHINGTON – Social networking sites like Twitter can spread misunderstandings about proper use of antibiotics, a new study says.

Columbia University and MixedInk (New York) researchers studied the content of Twitter updates mentioning antibiotics, to determine how people were sharing information and assess the proliferation of misinformation.
“Research focusing on microblogs and social networking services … Read more : Twitter may transmit misinformation about antibiotics.

Delhi surgeons to separate conjoined twins from Bihar

NEW DELHI – A team of doctors from Delhi will soon operate upon year-and-half-old conjoined twins from Bihar.

Doctors at Batra Hospital in the capital are examining the twins – Sita and Gita – before taking up the task of separating them.
“They have separate heads, hands and legs but are joined at the waist …. Source  : Gaea News Network.

Bihar seeks help of American experts to study blindness

PATNA – The Bihar government has sought help from American eye experts to examine the reason behind as many as 18 children being born blind in the past three months in Bhojpur district.

Till date local and other doctors have failed to understand the reason. “We can’t say anything about the reason why 18 children were … Original source on Gaea Times at : Bihar seeks help of American experts to study blindness.

Ontario’s South, West Asian women least likely to gain access to a doc

WASHINGTON – Ontario’s South and West Asian or Arab women report most difficulty in finding a doctor and getting an appointment, claims a new study.

According to researchers, one in three South Asian, West Asian or Arab women – one of the fastest growing segments of Canada’s population – have trouble accessing a doctor to address … Read more »».

Uric acid levels, obesity, alcohol use among factors linked to women’s gout risk?

WASHINGTON – Women with serum uric acid levels over 5 mg/dl have a significantly lower risk of developing gout than men, Boston University School of Medicine have discovered.

The study, the first to examine the relationship between uric acid levels and gout risk in women, also evaluated purported risk factors …. Read the original article  : Uric acid levels, obesity, alcohol use among factors linked to women’s gout risk?.

Why people forget to take their medicines

WASHINGTON – Remembering to take a daily medication is apparently a tough task for many. Now, researchers have pointed out the reason behind the forgetfulness.

The landmark study from North Carolina State University has found that changes in daily behavior have a significant effect …. Read the original article  : here.

Orange juice suppresses oxidative stress from high-fat, high-carb meal

WASHINGTON – Flavonoids in orange juice neutralize the oxidative and inflammatory stress generated by high-fat, high-carb meals and help prevent blood vessel damage, claims a new study.

Free radicals, or reactive oxygen species, are known to induce inflammation in blood vessel linings and …. Original article  : Orange juice suppresses oxidative stress from high-fat, high-carb meal.

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